Ch.21 Son of War

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Disclaimer I do not own My Hero Academia nor any DC Properties

I only own the Plot and Orginal Characters


*Narrator POV*

Izuku hopped off his boat ignoring the glaring sun shining off his red helmet, it was the day after he killed Melissa, and now it was time for the next Head. The Head of Crime, Warlord, who was a warlord. Ironic right? Anyways, Warlord is his next target which is why he's in West Africa of the Ivory Coast where Warlord's main city is located.

Warlord's purpose was simply to cause as much chaos in the world as possible so the other Head's could swoop in and help these devasted places. Warlord makes money and profit off his destruction and the other Head's make money off of rebuilding that destruction. Causing an endless scheme of destruction and creation. Warlord has complete control of Africa and most of the Middle East with most groups having to answer to him to get anything done in his territory.

Slavery, genocide, rape, murder, prostitution, warmongering, war crimes, and corruption, are just some of the many crimes he's affiliated with to the point if he were to ever be tried in a real court. His sentence would most likely be longer than humans will survive, and what's worse is that he'll probably live that long as well. Due to his quirk.

His quirk is Life Steal, and it's pretty self-explanatory. He can steal a person's lifespan for himself, for example let's just say you have 10 years left to live. If he decides to steal those 10 years you'll straight up die and he gains 10 years to his own life. To make sure he lives the years he takes, his body heals all injuries at the cost of the time he took or has. It's unknown how much time it takes to heal his injuries, it's also unknown how many years he has or how many people he has killed with his quirk. Well, Izuku was going to make sure he used every single year up.

Izuku walked over a dead body as he snuck around the perimeter wall of Warlord's capital, he usually wouldn't hesitate to kill guards for scum like this but most of them were just scared knowing they had no choice. However, Izuku couldn't afford to care, the One Above could sort out who deserved it or not. A guard walked out of a guardhouse next to an entrance of the city with Izuku wrapping his head in a headlock and fired a single round into his head silenced of course and dropped the body. Another guard heard the thump from inside the guardhouse and came out to check what happened.

As soon as he opened Izuku pushed him against the door using him as cover as he inspected the guardhouse seeing it was empty. He then kneed the guard making him keel over and fired a single round into his skull killing him before going inside the guardhouse. He checked a side room finding the guard break room where four guards were playing a card game and 2 were asleep on some beds. Izuku fired 6 shots before moving on through and reached the actual city.

It didn't take long for him to reach the capital building or Warlord's pleasure house. He only had to kill a few more guards before he reached the Warlord's room. It seemed he had gotten cocky with all the years he had taken, Izuku dropped the guard he choked out to the floor, and fire a round killing them as he reached the main hall. At the end of the hall was a large ornate door where most likely Warlord was.

Izuku stalked down the hall until he reached the door, he made it ajar as he peeked in. Sure enough there he was bending a girl over his table and having his way. A large bald African man wearing a crude military uniform from most likely a general he killed. Izuku kicked the door down and fired a single round putting it between his eyes making him fall off the girl and into his chair. Izuku motioned for the girl to scram which she did after gathering her clothes as Izuku kept his gun on Warlord's body. 10 seconds later the hole filled as he healed the injury, Warlord tried to get his bearings but Izuku just fired his whole mag into the body. 'So, I got 10 seconds at every death to move him. God what a pain.' Izuku moved to the body and began to tie it up.

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