Ch.14 Truth

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Disclaimer I do not own My Hero Academia or any DC properties

I only own the Plot and Original Characters


*Narrator POV*

Izuku paced around his living room with clear worry and even a hint of panic. He was going to do it, he was going to tell her everything. He had to, he wanted...he wanted to be with her forever. He knew it was a bad idea to bring her closer to him, to his life but now he couldn't imagine a world without her.

He groaned as he collapsed onto his couch with his head in his hands. Why was this so hard? Oh, he knew it was because his life was a mess. He was knocked out of his thoughts by his doorbell ringing making him glance at it before taking a deep breath.

Izuku: Okay let's do this.

He opened the door revealing Fuyumi standing there in a simple dress and with no glasses. She had an expression Izuku couldn't describe but if he could, it was similar to anxiety.

Izuku: Fuyumi. We need to talk.

She look scared at that making Izuku's eyes widen.

Izuku: Not like that! Not like that!

That calmed her down but that expression returned.

Fuyumi: Yeah we do, also not like that.

She walked into the apartment and started to glance around, while Izuku closed the door and locked it with a heavy heart. They didn't begin their talk right away, instead having a home dinner real quick along with a small soap opera, but unlike before they hadn't said a word to each other.

Once they were done Izuku took her to his office to begin the talk. She stood there and stared at him with a hint of worry as he had his back to her while resting on the desk.

Izuku: I haven't been completely honest with you Fuyumi. I've been lying even if I didn't mean to, there's a side to me that I kept hidden for so long. Initially, that was because I didn't think we'd last long, but now. Things have changed.

Izuku turned around holding a red helmet in his right hand that was all too familiar to Fuyumi. Her eyes widened and she began to back away from Izuku breaking his heart.

Fuyumi: Your the Red Hood?

Izuku: Yes.

Fuyumi: Why?

Izuku: I wanted to create a perfect society for Zumi. Where she would never have to worry about taking a walk at night. Where she could be whatever she wanted to be and not worry about the outside world. I wanted her to be safe and in my eyes that was the only way, so she didn't die like I did at one point. When you came into my life, my fervor to get this done increased.

Fuyumi: You are him aren't you?

Izuku: Huh?

Fuyumi: Izuku Midoriya?

Izuku: How did you-

Fuyumi: Momo told me, they tested your blood from Dynamight's battle and it matched Izuku Midoriya's blood. Your him aren't you?

Izuku: Well that's annoying but yes I am.

Fuyumi: What happened?

Izuku sighed as he sat on the edge of his bed.

'The day I was buried was also the day I was born. It was dark, so dark, and very cold. The first time I ever opened my eyes was nothing but darkness, the first emotion I felt was fear. Through my panic, I was able to claw myself out of the dirt or mud at the point probably lucky it was raining. I don't know how long I wandered around confused, you see I didn't remember anything when I woke up, I was a blank slate, like a baby in a grown body that still remembered some of its old movements.
I eventually found a TV playing my own memorial but I just stared at my reflection with awe and wonder, not even truly paying attention. However, that's when they found me. It was an older man and a woman I learned was his daughter. He called me, Izuku, and told me it was time to return home. I just remembered thinking, "He knows my name. Is that my name? It must be my name if they know my name and who I am. They must be trustworthy." That was the greatest mistake of my life.

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