★ Tooth & Ache (pt. 2)

243 11 40

Warnings: smut

Genre: smut, fluff

Words: 8661

Publish date: 29-09-24

Notes: See the end of the shot for more notes.


Jeongin sat in the waiting area of Hyunjin's clinic, twiddling his thumbs nervously. By now, his routine visits were no longer out of necessity but out of habit-or rather, out of love. He and Hyunjin had been out for dinner and taken long walks together, and though their relationship was slowly unfolding, Jeongin couldn't give up the excuse of coming to the clinic to see him. Everyone in the clinic was familiar with Jeongin now-his frequent appearances, his dramatic expressions, his clumsy charm. The receptionist would smile knowingly every time he walked in, and even the dental assistants would give him playful nods as he took his usual seat in the waiting area.

Jeongin's eyes drifted to the clinic door, hoping to catch a glimpse of Hyunjin. His heart fluttered just at the thought of him, and he couldn't help but smile to himself. Maybe today will be the day he kisses me again...he thought, biting his lip and daydreaming. He was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't notice the man sitting next to him until the person spoke.

"Hey, uh, you've been here a lot," the man said, looking at Jeongin with a puzzled expression.

Jeongin blinked and turned toward him. The guy seemed a bit older, with a serious look on his face and a hand clutching his cheek in obvious pain.

"Yeah, I guess I have..." Jeongin replied sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck. He wasn't really sure how to explain his constant presence without sounding completely ridiculous.

The man raised an eyebrow. "You must have some serious dental problems, huh?"

Jeongin froze for a second. He didn't have any real reason to be at the clinic today-no toothache, no cavity, no procedure scheduled. Just his lovesick heart. But he couldn't exactly tell this guy that, could he? So, instead of admitting the truth, he panicked and said, "Oh, uh... yeah. It's, um, really bad."

The man looked sympathetic, and Jeongin, now stuck in his own lie, decided to run with it.

"It's my... molars," Jeongin said, completely improvising. "They're... um, super sensitive. To, uh, everything. Cold air, loud sounds, you name it. Even the sunlight sometimes." He gave a dramatic sigh, as if his fabricated condition were truly tragic.

The man's eyes widened. "The sunlight? Really?"

Jeongin nodded solemnly, trying to keep a straight face. "Yeah, it's a rare condition. Only like, uh, five people in the world have it. It's called... solarodontosis."

The man's brow furrowed in confusion. "Solar... what?"

"Solarodontosis," Jeongin repeated, feeling a bead of sweat forming on his forehead. "It's very rare. The sunlight hits your teeth and... it, um, heats them up. Like, really badly. You wouldn't believe how painful it can get."

The man's expression turned to one of genuine concern. "That sounds awful! How do you even deal with it?"

Jeongin, now fully committed to the ridiculous lie, shrugged dramatically. "I carry an umbrella everywhere. You know, just to make sure my teeth don't overheat. It's been tough, but I manage."

The man nodded seriously, completely buying into Jeongin's nonsense. "Man, I thought my toothache was bad. You're really dealing with some heavy stuff, huh?"

Jeongin bit his lip to stop himself from laughing. This was going way too far, but the man's serious reaction made it impossible for him to back down now.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30 ⏰

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