7: Promotion

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"My Lord does not rest with just any woman. The only reason a bed would be shared was to help retain his remaining human elements, as his Blood Lock ability often drained the life from his mortal soul. To regain that vigor, he would absorb their essence while they were distracted by his charm."



Wen Jingyi was roused awake by the feeling of something messing around in his hair. Upon opening his eyes, he was welcomed by the sight of Xun Jie's chest in his face, his eyelashes grazing against the fabric of his bust-tight t-shirt.

Xun Jie was sensitive to the touch and looked down at him. At the same time, the movement in Wen Jingyi's hair had stopped.

"Good morning. Were you able to sleep well?"

Wen Jingyi would have gladly snuggled up to Xun Jie and buried his face back into that large chest if he hadn't been so intimidating. To save himself some face, he created space between the two of them and felt those eyes watching him closely as he turned around to bury his face in his pillow.

"Not enough I presume?" Xun Jie huffed a soft and nasal laugh as he moved his hand through Wen Jingyi's hair again. "I've been meaning to ask, but is your hair naturally red?"

Wen Jingyi sighed as he felt his fingers begin massaging his scalp. It was soothing, but it only made Wen Jingyi wonder how Xun Jie had become so gentle overnight.

"Did you have any plans for today?"

Wen Jingyi removed his face from the pillow to speak. "Today is a Saturday. Saturday is meant for nothing but relaxation."

Xun Jie showed some understanding of this philosophy. "Are 'weekends' so valuable to people of this world?"

"What, did you want to go out and do anything?"

It was Xun Jie's turn to bury his face in a pillow.


Now, why was it that things had changed so suddenly? Just an hour ago, they had been under the bedsheets reminiscing with one another and talking the morning hours away.

Now they were busy plotting an entire book.

"You said this was supposed to be a day of nothing but relaxing. Have you lied to me?"

"Of course this is relaxing. We just have different definitions of such. Now, give me a one-character name."

"For whom? The protagonist? If so, I believe it should be two."

They sat on the bed, both lying close to one another and sharing the screen of Wen Jingyi's laptop as they decided on key points for the characters and the main plot. During this fun time of theirs, snacks and drinks were shared, and any cups or bags and bowls of fatty foods were either on the nightstand or in one of their hands.

"Two? Seriously, Jie?"

"I'm very serious, Jingyi."

Wen Jingyi only laughed gaudily at this.

"Then shall we fight to settle this dispute?"

Xun Jie looked up, wearing an expression that made it obvious he was only jokingly pondering the subject.

"I'm afraid that I may lose that one, for you may pull a toilet tank lid out on me again."

Wen Jingyi didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Instead, he only sighed after seeing a smug grin on Xun Jie's lips, pushing his face away as he rolled his eyes.

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