11: Demon Lord Heng'e

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Demon Lord Heng'e ruled the Three Realms. It was she who granted passage between such play areas. In each playground, there was always a sandbox, and there had been at least one poor soul lost in their dreams.


Night had fallen by the time they found a plan for the night. Their plan? Convert some leaves into gold coins to pay for a room to sleep in. This suggestion was Wen Jingyi's, as neither demons nor people from the olden Chinese Dynasties have an IQ high enough to manage and take care of themselves.

They could only stay for a night, as traces of demonic activity would be evident on their bodies.

Wherever there's a demon, there is Demon Lord Heng'e, and wherever there is Demon Lord Heng'e, there is trouble.

If Wen Jingyi stuck around a protagonist like Xun Jie, it would be inevitable that he be dragged into some trouble as well. While the danger he was putting himself in was not immediate, it was still dangerous, nonetheless.

He found himself in a dream state when he was approached by Demon Lord Heng'e. He only knew it was her for she had a third eye on her forehead and had two sets of demonic horns. She was also one of the few demons written in the work to always walk around with such a sweet expression, yet such a taunting aura.

"You aren't from around here," a woman's voice called out from the unknown. "Why has such a thing occurred in my world? Would you care to explain yourself, traveler?"

She may not have appeared so, but she was fucking livid. Having such a foreign object like Wen Jingyi in "her world" was something similar to having a random kid at the park try to enter your sandbox. In this case, Demon Lord Heng'e was a very greedy and possessive child.

Seeing as the world was her sandbox to play in, a human's dream state would be nothing more than a corner of said play area. It was at the very edge, but there was no way for them to escape her terror in the form of a nightmare. At this moment, the most painful thing Wen Jingyi was experiencing was the crushing demonic qi circulating in the air, making it difficult for him to breathe without choking.

"You seem very sensitive to my qi, boy. If that's the case, then maybe you would be better off going back to your home world where you belong, or perhaps I can send you to your god from here. What do you think?"

Through choked breaths, he could only manage to say, "But I am your god!"

Heng'e only scoffed at this, her third eye opening slightly as she stood from what seemed to be a throne. She raised a hand as she came near, to which Wen Jingyi flinched even before it came down at him with its long talons.

Thankfully, he had woken up in terror and a cold sweat before he could even feel her strike. He did, however, still feel something crushing his lungs and covering half of his face, finding great difficulty in both breathing and moving.

It was Xun Jie, of course. Who else could it have been?

"Are you sure she would be up there? On Bing Chuan?"

Bing Chuan was a mountain at the peak of the world, topped with nothing but piles among piles of snow. Xun Jie had been there once to face her, but it only resulted in his fall at the end of Memento Mori and the beginning of his story falling to inarticulation.

It was the throne in his dream that was the dead giveaway to Demon Lord Heng'e's location, for it was that mountain where she lived.

"We could just not kill her if that's fine with you. You can all suffer hell freezing over, humanity dying, and me dying as she skins me alive. I would like to know what comes after death, but not so soon as twenty-five years old!"

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