10- New Haven

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Taylor slipped under the duvet, adjusted her pillow and checked how she looked on the screen. She then hit the call button. It took Abby less than two rings to answer, the FBI agent smiled as she waited for the devices to connect. Within a few seconds her partner appeared and her smile widened. Abby always made her feel happy and excited.

"Hey beautiful." Taylor grinned.

"Don't, beautiful me, do you know what time it is?"


"Don't get smart either. I've been waiting on you for over an hour. And no message to say you had gotten there safe."

"I'm sorry. We went out to question a witness and it took a little longer than I expected to get here. There was a lane closure on the 95."

"Well it would have been good to hear you got there in one piece."

"I'm sorry, I meant to but then I realized how late I was and..."

"It's okay, I just worry," Abby smiled.

"You're even more beautiful when you smile, do you know that?"

"Your charm won't work babe, I'm still pissed at you,"

"I'm sorry and you're beautiful." Taylor gave her best humble grin.

"Fuck you." Abby laughed. "Okay so maybe your charm will work. So what's the hotel like?"

"Run of the mill, holiday inn. It's okay, clean. Practical. And it does breakfast. How was Bailey and Kendall?"

"Good, they said to send their love. They are thinking about moving in together. Kendall is thinking about moving to Danvers, setting up a practice in the town. Which is good because I don't want to lose my manager and have to go back to managing the hotel myself."

"Yeah. That's good though about Bailey being ready to move in. I feel like my right arm has been cut off, without you here to hold."

"Yeah I miss you too. It's weird the place feels empty without you and the bed definitely does. So what's going on in New Haven?"

"Not sure yet. I'll have a better idea when I get the preliminary autopsy report from Harris tomorrow. The lead detective called me a celebrity cop earlier. I don't think she likes me very much."

"Tay babe, not everyone will like you. I know you think that they should but... you can be pretty arrogant and a little self righteous when you're in full agent mode."

"Thanks for that." Andersson smiled. "You're meant to take my side you know."

"Oh was that in the perfect girlfriend instruction manual? I must have missed that chapter." Abby settled her head down, "I'm on your pillow, it smells like you, my sexy cherry cough drop." She laughed.

Andersson shook her head, "you love it."

"I do." Abby looked sleepy. "Tay, will you stay online."

"Yeah princess. All plugged in. I love you."

"Love you too."

"Sweet dreams, beautiful, see you in the morning." Taylor watched as Abby closed her eyes. She wanted so much to be there to hold the brunette and give her a goodnight kiss. She studied the screen for a while before her own eyes succumbed to the sandman.

The morning arrived way too early. Andersson silenced the alarm and stretched. She looked at the screen to her sleeping lover and smiled momentarily before a yawn took over. It was 530am. Time for a shower then breakfast. She left the call running while she started getting her clothes out for the day, she'd taken time the night before to hang them and sort items into drawers, she knew this could be home for a while.

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