3-New Haven- Conneticuit

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It was a little after 5am when the call came through. A student returning from a night out, found what they thought was a body. The police team had been dispatched alongside members of the major crimes unit.

The girl was alive but barely, she was on her way to the ER with one of the female rookies. The body had been beaten, slashed and stabbed. There was blood everywhere. The assumption based on the similar crimes in the previous six weeks was that she'd also been raped. Her denims had been cut open, her underwear ripped at the crotch.

Detective Eric Mullens was at the scene with his partner Mira Miller, they'd been working together for just over two years and had gotten to the point where they communicated pretty effectively with a few well managed glances.

Mira yawned as she walked over to the young patrol officer. "So is that the person who called it in?" She pointed to the lanky looking guy with the ponytail and Harry Potter specs.

"Yeah. Charles Boothman. Says he was coming back from a party, he's pretty wired."

"Alcohol or drugs?"

"Both, but he's pretty high I'd say."

She nodded. Probably better to let him go and sleep it off, she mused. "You got his address and contact number."

"Yes Ma'am."

"Okay. Let him go no point in trying to get anything sensible from him when he's like that."

The young officer nodded and followed his orders. She noticed her partner talking to the CSI's that had just shown up. He pointed over to the bins and they headed past her on their way to set up.

"The guy that found her is out of it, so best trying to catch him later when he's had a chance to sober up."

"Hey! Hey you!" They heard the shouts from across the common.

"Oh god, not her again." Mira muttered under her breath.

Eric laughed, "your girlfriend. She's always so eager to talk to you." He tapped his partner on the shoulder, "well I'll leave you to it. Have fun."

"Professor Collins, how may I assist you?" Mira smiled.

"How can you assist me? I don't want your assistance. I want to know what you've been doing to catch this guy."

"You know I can't comment on any ongoing investigation."

"Damn excuse. That's the fourth rape in less than two months. And I can see he's getting more violent." She motioned her head back to the CSI team setting up behind them. The professor shakes her head angrily. "What are you all waiting for until he starts killing them?"

"That's unfair."

"You know what's unfair, the fact that women can't go out for the night without being the subject of unwanted male attention. That they feel scared to walk home. That they are watched, and stalked and raped.

"That they live in fear of sexual violence. That they live in a society where they are more likely to be questioned about what they wear and judged on the number of sexual partners they have had than be supported to raise a prosecution. Every part of the patriarchal society ensures that the woman is powerless and weak. That's what is unfair and you," she pointed, "hiding behind that badge, you're no better than the man that did this. You'll go and use your power to demean that poor woman even more."

"Enough." Mira said strongly.

"You're a disgrace to your gender detective."

"Professor Collins, ma'am please understand we are doing all that we can. Also please don't judge me, you don't know me." Mira made to walk away.

"Yeah you should be a strong, proud black woman. Stand up for what you believe in."

Mira looked the professor directly in the eyes, "I am. I am proud of all aspects of who I am and I believe what I do makes a difference." She nodded and walked away from the professor.

"Officer Miller, I'll be here when you really want to make a difference." Professor Annabelle Collins shouted after the cop. She walked back towards campus. The college world has to do something now, that was their fourth student who had succumbed to a violent sexual assault and the second in the Ivy League school's premises.

"She drives me mad." Mira said as she caught up with her partner.

"What because she's obviously crazy about you?" He laughed.

"Fuck off. Do you think feckless Frank will be in?"

"Doubt it. They're probably still sleeping off somewhere."

Mira laughed.

"So I'll drop you at the hospital."

"Yup." Miller yawned as she knew she was in for a long wait.

Officer Mira Miller was quite a presence. She was tall, athletic, smart and witty. Her colleagues liked her. She was also one of the hardest working officers they knew.

She stepped into the ER and noticed her moms old friend Harri was on reception. She knocked on the perspex and gave her a smile.

"Hey girlfriend." Harri smiled. "What y' all doing here?"

"Work." Mira grimaced, "Always work."

"Shoulda known. You in for that gal?"


"I'll buzz you through. Don't disappear without saying chirri now ya' hear me."

Mira gave a half wave as she walked through the doors and sought out the medics station. She had her shield on her belt if anyone needed to see it but with her job she'd been a regular visitor to the Emergency Room during her time on the job. And before that her mom was a nurse here for about twenty years before she retired due to health a few years back.

"Mira Miller. How are you honey? How's your mom?"

"Yeah we're both good thanks. How are you Dr Howey?"

"Busy" he laughed. "Just like you I expect. You here for the sexual assault?"


He nodded. "You're too late, I'm afraid, she died about 10 minutes ago. Just too much damage, too much blood loss."

She breathed out through her nose and screwed her lips up. They had seen the pattern forming, and knew that it was likely to end up here. Whoever this guy was, he'd just made his first kill.

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