30- Boston

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Taylor gave her apologies and excuses and walked back in from the rain, completely soaked through. It helped hide the fact that she was actually crying in frustration and guilt that she had completely abandoned Abby when she needed her.

"Mira. Can you take me back to the hotel now, please?"

"Sure. What's up?"

"Abby's Grandpa died, and she'd be trying to get a hold of me all day. I need to go home. I'll probably be away for a bit." Taylor's mask had completely fallen. Anyone looking at her now would see a human defeated.

"Okay, I'll literally be two minutes until I put this stuff in order, and  then we can get out of here."

Taylor said nothing while they drove back to the Holiday Inn. Mira looked over a few times to check that the blonde was okay, but she also remained silent until she pulled up to the lot.

"It'll be okay." Miller offered.

Andersson nodded in response with a grimace. And she undid the seatbelt and opened the door.

"I'm here if you need to talk or whatever."

"Thanks. I'll be back in a few days." Andersson said as exited the car.

It was almost midnight by the time Taylor pulled up outside the apartment complex where Abby's grandparents lived. Kendal had said that all of the family were there. The FBI agent felt almost as sick with nerves as she had the first time she had entered this building. Before Abby and she were together, the brunette was due to marry someone else. She thought about that while she rode up in the elevator, how her soul hurt at the thought of not having the person she had fallen in love with. This felt worse, knowing that she did have and letting her down. Feeling sick with worry that this would be the final straw that would break their relationship. She knew they weren't getting on, but she also knew that she loved Abby more than she'd loved anyone in her entire life, and the thought of losing her had been occupying most of her journey from New Haven.

She stood at the door and exhaled; she fidgeted, chewing on her top lip. Eventually, she knocked on the door.

"Taylor," Kendal answered. "Come in."

Andersson entered the living room which was quiet, just Kendal and her gran. "I'm so sorry for your loss Mrs McGarrity." Despite being engaged to her other granddaughter for almost a year she still called the older woman by her surname.

Bailey appeared from the kitchen with mugs of cocoa. "Hey, Tay." She almost whispered.

"Bailey," Andersson replied in the solace of the room.

"She's in her room. We gave her a sleeping pill about 45 minutes ago."  Kendal confirmed. "She's not doing great." 

"Thanks." Andersson nodded. "I'm going to go see if she's okay."

The blonde quietly opened the door and stepped through into the dim lighting from a bedside lamp. Abby was sleeping, on top of the sheets in the middle of the queen bed, with her arms and legs sprawled across the bed. Taylor knew there was no way to get in without waking her fiancée. She leaned over and gently placed a kiss on her partner's forehead. "I'm sorry, princess." She lifted the comforter that was sitting on the bucket chair beside the bed and softly lowered it over the brunette.

She watched Abby sleep for a few moments before moving over to the chaise longue. As quietly as possible, she took off her jacket and gun before slitting down and removing her shoes.

She wasn't sure when she had fallen asleep; she surmised that she must have drifted off while she was watching Abby.

"What time did you finally get here?" Abby's tone was accusational.

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