20- West Rock -New Haven

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Diane Battersby sat the file down on a small table beside her seat. "Okay, I guess Sharon's personality separated created a safe version for her to live in that helped her cope with the guilt and shame she felt. The other part lived out all of what I would describe initially as normal college behavior, drinking, recreational drugs and hook ups.

"But that escalated negatively over the Christmas New Year period, I think she was left on campus pretty much alone and eh she sought out company.  She didn't mention exactly what she was involved in but from what I can piece together she had gotten involved with some guy from The Hill and I'm not sure what exactly he had gotten her involved in but from what she said it wasn't the healthiest of relationships and I'd suggest he applied a lot of pressure on her."

"Did she give you a name?"

"She called him TJ."

"Did she ever describe him?"

"No. Just that she said he was extremely attractive and that she felt," Diane searched for a word, "I guess surprised that he approached her in the club. She suggested more than once that he was out of her league."

"What kind of pressure? You mentioned before that he applied pressure."

"I'm not sure. She was increasingly anxious that she'd be found out though. Like people would know by looking at her."


"My inclination would be yes although I can't confirm this. As I said she darted around the issue. The regular or original part of Sharon had such a huge hang up with sex. She expressed that she felt disgusting, use negative language to describe herself like slut, often saying that she was dirty or damaged. She had so much self shame that she didn't value herself and..." Diane reached for the folder. She flicked through the notes. "I'm worth nothing. No one good will ever want me now, now that people know what a dirty slut I am. I don't deserve anything more than to be used. That was what she expressed two weeks ago. So yeah I would maybe suggest that whatever she was involved in was sexual. But here is the thing, nothing is every black and white. One of the things that disgusted Sharon about herself the most was that she enjoyed sex. She couldn't comprehend how she could like it and that because she liked it she was asking to be treated like in her words a whore."

"Did she ever speak about money worries or anything like that?"

"No she did indicate that TJ looked after her well, buying her some new clothes, lavishing her with perfume and jewelry. But she never seemed happy about that."

Taylor looked over at Miller who looked up from her notepad to confirm with a nod that she had just had the same thought.

Andersson looked at the therapist, "can I ask have you worked with people involved in prostitution before?"

"Yes. I know what you're thinking. I don't think Sharon was a prostitute and TJ was her pimp. This was more complex than that. But I would say he controlled the sexual part of their relationship in some way ."

"Okay. So what else did you speak about?"

"That the other part of herself was so ashamed that she was finding it hard to reconcile the two. So she wasn't sleeping and had spoken about self harm and I know that she had started to purge on occasions. TJ had complained that she'd put on weight." Diane shook her head. "She wasn't in a good place when we met. The CBT was starting to work though."

"She didn't seem to have many people around in her life. Did she speak about anyone else with you?"

"No not really, she mentioned the women's center a bit and Freya and a few other girls but not in any particular detail. So I can't really remember the others. I just know Freya because she opens up for the group."

"Would you say she was good at masking?"

"Exceptional. As I said I think her personality may have split. If you met her you would think she was the person that you've spent the last week learning about; quiet, conservative, lonely."

"Yeah so why would she think people would know that she she involved in sexual activity by looking at her, I mean she's at Yale and I know from what your saying there was a naïveté there but..." the FBI agent let the sentence drift off into thought.

"No idea but she was completely paranoid about it."

Andersson nodded, "So you also mentioned recreational drugs what was she using did she say?"

"Cannabis mostly and coke on a few occasions."

"Nothing else?"

"Not that she mentioned." The doctor looked puzzled. "Was she drugged?"

"I can't confirm nor deny that." 

"Well unless there is anything else. I'm going to finish up. I have a client due in and it won't look good to be showing out a couple of murder police."

Andersson glanced over at Mira who pouted and nodded that they had enough for now.

"We might be back in touch Dr. Battersby." Andersson stood up and was almost a head and shoulders taller.

The therapist grimaced a smile before showing them to the door.

The pair buckled up and Mira fired up the engine before either of them spoke.

"What do you think?" Andersson asked.

"Well we've got our link to The Hill but not to warehouses. I guess we can run TJ as an alias through the computer."

"Yeah I don't get why there wouldn't be anyone on the phone records, I mean if you're seeing someone you're likely to call or message them. But there was nothing."

"What are you thinking?" Miller asked before following up, "a second phone?"

"Yeah two personalities, two phones."

"What about the sex thing?" Mira looked straight ahead while she drove.

"The language she used reminds me of working with people who'd been abused."

"Do you think TJ killed her to keep her quiet?"

"I don't know. If there was one body and the kill wasn't as designed then yeah. But because of everything else then this would have to have been in his plan from when he met her, not that I am saying no. Just… I don't know."

Mira smiled, "fuck she is human. She doesn't have the answer."

Taylor smiled. "It happens. Very rarely but..."

They both laughed.

The phone in the car burst into life, Mira stopped snickering and hit the receiver.

Francine Stobbs voice punctured through the now silence in the vehicle. "So a guy walked into the station at Amity and reported his fiancée missing, description fits our Jane Doe. I'm heading out there now, do you want to meet me at the station?"

"Yes." They answered in unison.

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