Here to Stay

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Hello, thanks for taking the time to read my story. It is my first one so try to  be nice! My grammar and spelling isn't perfect. I hope you like it. The first few chapters might be boring, but it will pick up speed. 

I would like to dedicate this to my friends that gave me the courage to post this story!

Sorry for an mistakes, spelling, or grammar issues.

All Rights Reserved


              We moved again. It seems like we are always moving, we never stay in more than one place for more than a year. It is just me and my mother. My father never wanted to be in the picture, my mom says as soon as he found out she was pregnant he left her. My mom wasn’t much better. Just like every other time we move she promises that this time will be different, but it never is. I guess she loves me, but sometimes it is hard to tell.  

“Okay honey, I’m going to go grocery shopping if you want to come with” my mom asked?

                 “No thanks, I think I’m going to go look around the town” I replied. 

                “Okay, be safe sweetie.”

                “Yeah okay.” I heard the front door close behind her and then I heard the car start up. I finished making my bed, and setting up my computer before I left to walk around the town. I hated moving, packing up all my stuff and then unpacking all my stuff, and trying to get use to the new surroundings. My mom already signed me up for school I started in two days, and I am not looking forward to it. I hated school, and I was always the new girl and it sucked, but I just have to finish my junior and senior year then I get to control my life. I grabbed my phone and keys, and left the house. The town didn’t have much. There was a few stores, a movie theater, a couple of neighborhoods, and that was pretty much it. There is a much bigger town a couple of miles away which is where my mom will most likely be spending her time. I was walking back home, and I had just turned onto my street, when I noticed a couple of people hanging out in an empty lot.

                “Hey look at that hot chick” one of the boys yelled and another one whistled at me! I yelled pigs back, rolled my eyes, and kept walking.

                “Hey that’s not nice, at least we complemented you” another guy yelled! I stopped, turned around and gave them a pointed look.

                “I don’t think ‘hey look at that hot chick’ is a complement.”

                They started walking closer to me, it was then I noticed that there was 4 guys and 2 girls.  Two of the guys walked right up to me. I just kept giving them a board look, hoping they would just go back to what they were doing and leave me alone. They paused for a second, and I noticed their eyes grow wide, but then they continued to walk towards me. “Look we didn’t mean anything by it we were just having fun” The taller of the two said.

                “Yeah, you should come hang out with us” the other slightly shorter one said.

                “No I don’t think I want to.”

                “Come on let us show you how sorry we are” the taller one replied. I debated just turning around and walking off. “Come on please.”

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