Chapter 2

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So here is chapter 2. You'll meet one of my favorite characters in this chapter!

Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes!!


  I woke up the next morning, still feeling tired. I don’t understand why I’m so tired. I even went to bed early, plus I fell asleep when I was with the group of well I don’t know what to call them really? I rolled over and got up, reaching my arms above my head in the process. I guess I’ll finish unpacking today. I went down stairs to get something to eat. Eggs sounded good, so I pulled out the eggs and went to find the pan to cook the eggs. It wasn’t in the cabinets so I went to the living room and looked for a box labeled kitchen or something like that. I guess I was too loud and my mom came out of her room.
    “Dammit Jada!” I turned and looked at her. “What the hell are you doing?”
    “I’m making breakfast.”
    “Well, be quiet. Some of us have head aches and are trying to sleep.”
    “Well you wouldn’t have a headache if you didn’t drink.” I mumbled under my breath.
    “What was that?”
    “Nothing, would you like something to eat mom?”
    “Hell no, I can’t even think about food without feeling nauseous. So don’t even think about cooking anything.”
    “Fine, I’ll just go out and eat. Is that alright with you?”
    “I don’t care, just be quiet and leave me alone.” She turned around and went back to her room. I ran upstairs to my room. I changed my clothes and ran a brush through my hair. Then brushed my teeth and grabbed my wallet and keys and left. I walked into town, and found a little diner. I walked in and took a seat at the bar.
    “Hi sweetie, what can I get you?” I looked up at a woman that looked about 25. She had the brightest blue eyes and dark hair. I smiled at her, and looked back down at the menu.
    “Can I have coffee and chocolate chip pancakes?” Chocolate chip pancakes were my favorite thing to eat. When I was young before my grandma died she would make me pancakes every Saturday morning.
    “Sure thing sweetie. Regular or decafe?”
    “Defiantly regular, please!” She laughed and poured me a cup of coffee.
“Do you want cream or sugar?”
“Both please.” She nodded and passed me the coffee, cream, and sugar packets.
“Ok I’m going to go put in you order ok hon?” I nodded my head and smiled at her. I poured the cream, and sugar in, and stirred my coffee. It wasn’t long till the waitress came back with my pancakes.
“Oh these look delicious!” I poured syrup, and started to eat. I hadn’t realized how hungry I was. I hadn’t eaten since yesterday morning. The waitress just smiled and laughed at me. She walked away to go tend to her other costumers. I was just about finished when I felt someone sit next to me. I could feel the person staring at me so I looked over at them. “Can I help you?” I asked the guy. He was very big with muscles and his height alone. He gave me half a smile, and a little chuckle. 
“Well you could tell me your name.”
“And why should I do that?”
“Cause I need to know what to call you?” I debated on if I should tell him or not. He seemed nice, but looks can be deceiving. Plus he looked a couple of years older than me. “Come on if you don’t tell me your name I’ll have to come up with a nickname.”
“I don’t think, I should tell you my name.”
“Why not?” He gave me a sad puppy dog look.
“Because you are a stranger. Haven’t you heard that you are not supposed to talk to strangers?”
“Well how do you make friends if you don’t talk to strangers?” I shrugged my shoulders. “Well ok I guess I’ll just have to call you princess then.”
“Oh how original.”
“Well that is what you get when you won’t tell me your name.”  I rolled my eyes and finished off my pancakes. “Don’t you want to know my name?”
“Nope, I don’t really care because we are not going to be friends.” He put his hand over his heart and acted as if hurt him.
“Ouch princess that hurts.” I let out a little laugh, and he smiled that half smile at me.
“Kole!” My waitress came over and she did not look happy. “You need to leave this girl alone.”
“Oh don’t worry Ivy. We were just talking that’s all.” He turned to her and flashed her an innocent smile. “Oh put her on my tab, I’ll pay for her.”
“Oh that is not necessary, really.”
“It is my pleasure princess.” He handed the waitress whose name I guess is Ivy a $20. She rolled her eyes and took the $20.
“Why did you do that Kole?”
“Because, I wanted to.”
“I could have paid for myself.”
“I know, but I didn’t want my princess to pay.” I rolled my eyes and hopped of the stool. “Well thank you, but I got to get home now so good bye."
“Wait princess” I stopped and turn to him. “Do you need a ride home?”
“No it is ok; it is not a long walk home.”
“Come on” he said getting up, walking over to me and grabbed my hand. “I’ll take you home. Don’t want you to get lost or jumped or anything like that.”
“But..” I tried to protest but he interrupted me.
“I won’t take no for an answer. “ I was surprised how calm I was being. After all I was being pulled into a stranger’s car. Plus he called me princess, and that is creepy by itself. He opened the passenger’s door and motioned for me to get in. I debated about just bolting for it, but decide that he would probably catch me. I got in, and watched him as he walked around to the driver’s side. “Ok where to?”
“Um, do you know where Creek Run is?”
“Of course, I live in the neighborhood next to it.”
“You mean the gated one? Of course you do!” He just laughed at me. “Well I live on Silver River.”
“Ok, well let’s get you home.” I just nodded. I had to admit he had a nice car. It was sleek and smooth. The outside and inside were both black, and the windows were tinted. When we turned on to my street, I noticed the group from yesterday sitting in the empty lot again. As we drove past Kole’s knuckles turned white as his grip tightened around the steering wheel. Well that is strange I thought. “Ok which house is it?” He said with a steely edge to it.
“Um it’s number 132.” He nodded and pulled into my driveway. I was about to get out when he grabbed my arm. I froze immediately afraid what he was going to do.
“Do you have a cell phone?”
“Yeah, why do you want to know?”
“Just give it to me.” I fished out my phone from my pocket and handed it to him. He started typing stuff into my phone and then handed it back.
    “What did you do to my phone?”
“I put my number in it.”
“In case of an emergency, so you can call me and I’ll come get you. Or if you just want to talk. Call me anytime you need me.”
“Ok.” I didn’t really know how to respond to that. I went to get up again, and he grabbed my arm again.
“I mean it princess anything.” I nodded and got out of the car.
 I was about to close the door when I said “Jada.”
“What?” he asked confused.
“My name is Jada.”
“Jada, I like it, but you are still princess to me.” I smiled and closed the door. I went to my front door turned around and waved to Kole. I went inside and up to my room to put my stuff down then do some unpacking. I had just finished unpacking the office room when there was a knock on front door. I ran to the door to keep whoever it was from knock again and disturbing my mom.
“Yeah?” I said as I opened the door. I looked and couldn’t believe who it was. “What are you guys doing here?” I said as I walked outside and closed the door behind me.
“We just came to say hey and check up on our friend.” Grant said with a duh look on his face.
“Well that is nice and all, but I’m busy.”
“Really what have you been up to?”
“Nothing much, but I do have stuff to do.”
“Seriously what did you do this morning?” Everyone’s face held a look like they smelled something bad.
“Uh, I went to eat at the diner this morning, and some guy started to talk to me. He paid for my breakfast, and then drove me home. Is that what you wanted?”
“What was the guy’s name?” Luke said with an edge with his voice.
“It was Kole. Why does it matter?” Everyone but McKenna made a face of pain, and McKenna made a face of shock. I also notice Blake and Derek tighten their grips on Maddie, and McKenna.
“Jada, he is not someone that you want to socialize with.”
“Why not?” This kind of made me angry that these people that I barely know are telling me who is acceptable.
“Just trust us, ok?” Luke said. I looked into his eyes and could see the worry behind them.
“Fine I’ll try not to hang out with him, but no promises.” They seemed to relax a bit.
“So you want to come hang out with us?” Grant asked. I could see the pleading in his eyes.
“I can’t like I said I have stuff to do.”
“Like what?” he question. Luke hit him upside the head and gave him a stern look.
“Well, if you must know, I am still unpacking and I have to get ready for school tomorrow.”
“Well can’t you take a break?”
“Why not?”
“I just told you why I can’t!” Grant was starting to get on my nerve. He was starting to feel like a pain in the butt brother instead of a stranger.
“Grant, she said she can’t just leave it alone. We will see her tomorrow.” Blake reasoned.
“Fine!” I gave Blake a look that said thank you and he smiled and nodded.
“Alright now that, that is settled I will see you tomorrow.” I turned around to head back inside.
“That is right bright and early. Don’t forget we are picking you up at 7:30!” McKenna said before I went inside.
“Okay see you tomorrow, bye!” I closed the door and went to pick up where I felt off. Man this is one strange town!

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