Chapter 15

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So I know it has been along time but college got really crazy. The semester is over so hopefully I will be able to get out a couple of chapters!!!

So don't forget to Vote and Comment!!

Sorry for any mistakes.

With out further interruptions.........


I felt warm, as I curled more into the soft blanket. Only when I moved the blanket moved as well. I opened my eyes and saw black fur. It then all came back to me. Asher was a werewolf, and not just any werewolf but an Alpha, and I was his mate which made me the Luna. Right? I turned my head in search of a clock. When I found one it read 5:30am. I moaned and rolled over, curling back up into Asher. I fell back asleep, completely at ease. That was until I was woken up.

“Come on Jada. You can’t sleep all day!” I turned and opened my eyes to see McKenna standing next to the bed. I moaned and turned towards what I thought was Asher’s wolf, but was actually air. I turned so far I ended rolling off the bed, and landed on the ground. I let out a grunt as I landed. I considered just staying there in hopes of McKenna going away and letting me continue to sleep. No such luck. “Jada, come on get up.”

“Fine.” I got up and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. I looked up at McKenna who had a worried yet slightly excited look on her face. “What is it?”

“Are you still mad at me?” She rushed out of her mouth.


“Yeah you know for being a werewolf and all, and not telling you.”

“Oh.” I paused “No, I’m not, I know it is not your fault that you are a werewolf.”

“Good! I don’t think I could stand it if you were mad at me.” I laughed at her.

“What time is it, and where is Asher?” I asked as I looked at the empty bed.

“It is 12:00pm, and Asher said to tell you that he is sorry that he isn’t here when you woke up, but he didn’t want to wake you, and he had pack things to take care of.” I nodded. I had really slept late.

“So what are we going to do today?”

“Well Asher gave me orders that as soon as you were awake I am supposed to get you fed. So I guess we will start with that.” I nodded in agreement, and followed her out of the room.

“So do you have a position in the pack?” I asked as we walked down the stairs.

“Yeah, I’m your beta. I help you out and make sure you are safe.”

“What about the others?”

“Well Blake is Asher’s beta, and so is Luke. Once Luke gets a mate then you will have another beta as well. Maddie, Grant, Blake, and a few other wolves are fighters. Everybody else is a regular pack member.”

“Aren’t you guys a little young to be in control?”

“Well, Asher is 22, Luke and Blake are 18, and the rest of us are 17. As soon as we turn 18 the title gets passed on to us.”

“I feel like such a little kind next to all of you. I don’t turn seventeen for a whole month.”

“Don’t worry about it. We don’t think of you as a little kid. Now what do you want to eat?”  McKenna made me a toasted peanut butter and banana sandwich. Then we ended up doing homework. Well mostly my homework since I’ve missed so much school. McKenna was helping me with a math problem when all the boys came in. I looked up from my work as they walked into the kitchen. They were all dirty, with mud stuck all over them. My eyes caught Asher’s, and for a minute it seemed like it was just us till Grant opened his big mouth.

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