Chapter 10

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Hey guys!

I know it has been a while, but summer semester is crazy fast and hard to keep up with!

So the answer to the question I asked last time was the "gang". Jada meets the gang first, then the next day she meets Kole.

Thanks to all who have voted and commented it makes me want to write that much more.

So don't forget to Vote and Comment again!! It lets me know you like it.

So here is the next chapter I hope you like it!

Sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes!


We woke up to the sound of my alarm. I don’t think I’m ever going to share a bed with McKenna again! She ended up kicking me twice! Never ever again. The gang came over early, to help me down the stairs, and to bring McKenna a change of clothes. While McKenna changed Grant and Luke helped me navigate to down stairs. I was in between the two of them with my arms wrapped around their shoulders. We managed it without falling down and killing ourselves but it was tricky.

“Leave it to you to screw up your ankle.” Grant said jokingly.

“Shut up, it happened by complete accident!” I protested. I hobbled to the kitchen to get an apple. Today was going to be a fun day hobbling around in the crowded hall ways. Well at least I have an excuse to get out of gym class. We all loaded in to the car and on our way to school. Walking to class was so much fun. Not really I got shoved around a little bit, and landed on my bad ankle a couple of times. That is until Grant and McKenna started to give everybody the stink eye to back up and give me space. When we walked into to homeroom Mr. Blackburn’s head snapped up.

“Ah Miss. Reid did we have a little too much excitement this weekend?” Mr. Blackburn was my favorite teacher. He was so relaxed and really cared about the students.

“Yeah, but it was McKenna’s fault.”

“Hey! It was not. Don’t listen to her Mr. Blackburn.”

“Alright, you three go sit down.” The rest of the day went smoothly, and soon the school day was over. The boys had to go back to the boarding house, but they dropped us girls off at my house. I noticed as we pulled into my drive way that my mom still wasn’t home. McKenna, Maddie, and I jumped out of the car and waved good bye as the boys drove off. I hobbled into the house with McKenna and Maddie following. We went into the kitchen and got a snack. Then we sat at the kitchen table and started our homework.

“Is your mom coming home tonight?” McKenna asked with innocence in her voice. I let out a sigh as I put my pencil down to look at her.

“I don’t know. There is a chance it can go either way. Why?”

“Well I was thinking that if she didn’t come home, then I could stay over? That way you are not alone.”

“I can take care of myself McKenna. This isn’t the first time that I would be left alone overnight.”

“I know, I just thought you might like some company.” I know she was just trying to be nice, but I don’t like people to smother me.

“Fine, you can stay the night, but we are not sharing my bed again. You can take the futon.”


“Because you kicked me twice last night!” I said while letting out a little laugh.

“I did not!” McKenna said with shock in her voice.

“I can prove it! I think you gave me bruises!” I stood up and rolled up the legs on my jeans to revile one big bruise on my laugh leg and two smaller ones on my right legs. “See I told you so.” I sat back down with a smug look on my face.

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