Ch-11. Hakikat hoon mai teri

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Aradhana's POV~

"Are you even trying to find the pendrive, cause it's certainly not helping that we're looking for it at the same spot at the same time." I said to Rajvi as he kept following me around the room like a lost puppy as I looked for the pendrive, although he pretended to look for the pendrive, his gaze was fixed on me and I could see it through the corner of my eyes.

As I turned around to face him, he placed his hands on the table behind me and stood in front of me, stopping me from moving.

Rajvi leaned in closer to me and locking his eyes with mine, said, "Since the moment I put that ring on your finger yesterday, everything has felt just like a dream, everything feels too surreal, I still can't believe you're mine. Am I dreaming? Mai sapna dekh rhaa huun kya?" (Am I dreaming?)

Rajveer's POV~

A smile appeared on Aradhana's face as those words escaped through my lips.

Aradhana raised her height by standing on her toes, placed her hands around my neck and placed the gentlest kiss on my lips, enough to turn me into a blushing mess and said, "Ab yakin huwa? it's your reality now Mr. Arora. Sapna nehi, hakikat huun mai teri, samjha?" (Are you convinced now? It's your reality now
Mr. Arora. I am not a dream, I am your reality, understood?)

Flustered by Aradhana's sudden gesture I froze in my spot but accidentally stumbled on my own feet, not known to the fact that Aradhana's bracelet was stuck on a thread on my t-shirt's neckline, due to which Aradhana also stumbled forward loosing her balance and ended up on top of me as we landed on the bed behind us.

After she stumbled into my arms, I instinctively wrapped my arms around her, trying to make sure she didn't get hurt.

Aradhana's POV~

As we landed on something I had my eyes closed and one of my hands behind Rajvi's head, in an attempt to save him from hitting his head on anything.

I slowly opened my eyes, as he gently removed a strand of hair from my face and in a calm voice said, "Are you ok?"

Opening my eyes the first thing I noticed was that we didn't hit the floor, it was the bed we landed on.

I assured Rajvi I was alright and proceeded to untangle my bracelet from the thread it was stuck on.

Rajveer's POV~

Aradhana untangled the thread from her bracelet and I thought she would get up but instead she looked deep into my eyes and settled herself in my arms saying, "These past two days have been so hectic, I really needed a hug."

Teasingly I said, "Aradhana yaha humaare alawa aur do log hai, uun dono ne hamein aise dekh liya na toh kuch aur samajh lenge." (Aradhana, there are two more people here besides us and if they see us like this, they will think something else.)

Aradhana looked at me like I had just ruined the moment, and proceeded to get up but I pulled her back stopping her from leaving.

"Aree I was just joking, do you really think I mind you being so close to me? you're my fiance, itna toh hak hai." (You're my fiance, this much is right) I said trying to not anger her more.

I wrapped my arms around Aradhana and she closed her eyes as she sank into my arms as if she was a little kid with no worries of the world, as if it was her safeplace, this soft, gentle and child like side of Aradhana was something I didn't knew she had, I've always seen her as a strong and independent girl since the first time I saw her, maybe because she didn't let anyone know of her weakness or that she also at times needed a person to be her strength and just be there.

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