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"You are getting back at her, right? I mean, you got humiliated in front of everyone, her kid burnt all your hair..."

Ash shuts up as I turn to glare at her. Sometimes I wondered why I kept any of them around, other than being eager little minions, they all had fart for brains.

"Of course, I'm going to get my revenge." I answer, "I am going to get it so good she will be gone forever, and I won't even have to touch either of them," I finish off satisfied

They stare at me blankly.

I go to tell them all about the plan from my so-called faery-godmother but hold off. They were blabbermouths, all it would take was some little attention from the heirs and they'd spill everything, I wouldn't put it past those boys not to use them to garner information now that they had a 'princess' to protect.

Ugh! Thinking about it was making me mad again, but I'll be patient. The bitch would get what's coming to her, I was promised that.

"Don't worry, she'll get what's coming for her soon, very soon," I instead explain with a smile.

Their grumbles at not being privy to the plan die down as we get into the class. We all had combat today and I for one was looking forward to it. Mahina looked like she wouldn't know Jack about throwing a punch, and it was making me positively giddy thinking of all the promising outcomes of today's class. I hope she gets pummelled to death.

I look around after we go in but I don't see the human. However, before I could question anyone, the door opens and they traipse in.

Of course Aarya was hanging out with her, if I didn't know her I'd say she was cosying up to the princess to get favours but no, my very unwanted stepsister was just a loser. My elder sister on the other hand...

"What is your sister doing?" someone asks putting my exact thoughts into words.

"Did you ask her to torment them?" Another adds.

Doing anything for me would disgust Eve and vice versa, a Finn always fended for themselves, it was a mantra we all lived by. So what exactly was the bitch doing?

We all watch as she talks to Mahina a sneer plastered on her face, and then she calls for all the newbies to spar claiming she'd choose their partners, it's after she signals to Konte that her intent is clear.

I huff a laugh glancing around, everyone was here, at least everyone on Mahina's side, even that pesky child. Was Eve going to start something so publicly, she couldn't be that stupid?

I watch the rest of the spars mildly disappointed, most of them hadn't even grasped basic combat techniques. Then Mahina's name is called together with Konte's. I expect any of the heirs to protest this but not a pip from them. I glance at them and realise they were all looking at Killian, this was his territory, they were all waiting for his call.

Indecision crosses his face for all but a second before he steels himself and a wave of unease spreads across everyone while the glee building inside me erupts. They were all going to let this happen?

Maybe I had overestimated her hold on them.

Mahina steps into the ring head high and I almost pity her, almost. She squares up ready to take on Konte, a fool's errand; the boy had been trained by his parents, who were both high-ranking members of Faery's legion since he could sit upright.

Konte goes all out with the first move no doubt for my benefit, I'd bet that's how he got roped into Eve's scheming. Mahina seems to have checked out for a second before she tries to move out of Konte's way, it would have worked if it was anyone but him, but she was just too slow.

He barrels into her and she flies across the ring landing with a thump, Eve doesn't bother to hide her satisfaction even going as far as to clap her hands, my girls try the same but one look from me and they all stop.

"Why the fuck did she just stand there?" someone exclaims from the crowd.

Konte wraps his hand around her neck and I watch delightedly as she flaps around trying to dislodge him, he punches her sides and her face a couple of times and by this point, her harem of devotees is going crazy trying to get into the ring but they are always warded off for the safety of the onlookers.

Then as if a switch had been flipped, Mahina snaps into action flipping them both. She shoves one of her hands through Konte's chest sinking in, the other hand, she wraps around his hair slamming him into the floor repeatedly, it wouldn't have seemed like much if not for the fact that the floor seemed to be coming apart beneath Konte's head, a warded floor no less.

It all happens so fast that no one reacts as we all watch transfixed her pull her hand out of his chest. It is dark with blood and ...were those talons?

"She's going to kill him!" someone screams from the crowd and it seems to snap everyone into action.

But before anyone can do shit, a wave of darkness engulfs the room, as quick as it appeared, it disappears and only Konte is left bleeding and definitely in pain on the ring floor.

The ward had been broken and Mahina was nowhere to be seen.

"Did she die?" Ashley asks not even bothering to be discreet.

"No Ash, she didn't die." I answer mildly disappointed.

But she will, pretty soon and I couldn't wait!

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