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Part 2.


"Yes, High Queen, after she removed her hands from his chest I caught a glimpse of bloody talons, they looked like a hawk's only bigger and sharper."

At my words, she tenses, face growing tight and I take a step back bowing my head, hoping that would spare me from another bout of anger. The last time hadn't gone so well.

Hey, crazy lady, do you have a name?

You ugly insolent creature, you shall refer to me as high queen or I will peel off your skin and wear it, this one is getting older by the day.

Ash's face had gone so white at those words I was worried she had stopped breathing. It's what she gets for not knowing how to pick her battles, the woman already looked unhinged there was no need to instigate her further.

Just to be safe, I'd feign subservience, I liked my skin where it was...on me.

"Very respectful, I like you," her words jolt me back to the present and I fight to move back a step as she moves closer to me assessing me.

She runs her hands on my face going down and almost into my shirt, "So smooth, so milky, I like it."

So do I crazy lad, I liked MY skin too.

"So," she starts again clapping her hands and moving away, "All you need to do is make sure the pixies take this," she says handing me a small vial of silver liquid.

"Will it kill them?" I ask worried, I had no desire to start a war with those little shits no matter the reward.

"No, just ...disable them, for a few minutes while we take the child."

"And the child what would you do with it?" I ask a little eager.

"You do not need to know that, now move along, I need to work on those wards now that you brought me what I needed."

I bristle at the dismissal but swallow it down, I must have not done it fast enough for she notices and moves closer again.

"Do you think to question me?" she asks her voice deceptively soft.

"No, High Queen, just curious about how you'd hold up your end of the deal, I need that bitch dead!" I almost yell the last part losing my composure.

"Oh, she is going to wish she was dead once I'm done with her."

With that, she moves back to her desk running a hand on the spine of the humongous book lying on top. We were in the room I had provided for her in The Emerald Palace, a High-end establishment in the city.

She had asked me to provide a book from the Royal Library, I didn't know how it was going to help since it appeared just an old book written in ancient fae but I had gotten it nonetheless, a venture which had been a hustle since access to the Royal Residence was extremely limited.

I arrive back at the Academy to find most of my minions hanging around the quad, restless.

"What is it now?"

"They headed towards the normal hangout spot but I don't think we'd be welcome anymore," one of the girls supplies.

"Says who?" I ask immediately heading towards the house, my entourage behind me. They wouldn't dare kick me out...would they?

"Well hello cunt-e, are you sure you're well enough to be roaming around?" Andrei asks when we walk in. I notice Mahina in a protective stance her arms around the child and eyes fixed intently on Konte, good, she should be afraid.

"Chill out, Andrei, we come in peace. Since today was a free day courtesy of our fragile princess, I figured we'd get some practice in," I croon moving closer to him when a loud growl erupts into the room and I freeze.

What was that? I wonder looking around only to find Mahina's glowing eyes fixed on me, lips turned up in a snarl.

Did she just growl at me like some possessive animal? And why were they eating it up?

Andrei looked positively ecstatic and it made me angrier and angrier until finally, it all came out.

"She doesn't deserve any of you, and she knows that and that's why she's busy spreading it for you so she can trap you with spawns, it worked the first time," I finish with a pointed glare at the blue little bastard she was holding, whose eyes were fixed on me a look of concentration on his face. Nice try little monster.

"It won't work on me, you son of a..." I cut off as I feel intense heat engulfing my head.

"I got warded against him, she said he won't be burning me again," I scream frantically swatting at my head, which is how I miss his entrance.

"You did get warded against my son, you hag, but not against me, I gave him a little boost."

I cease my futile efforts to glare at the newcomer, who had appeared out of literal thin air.

Who was he? And why did he look so familiar and yet not, and so powerful too? Maybe I'd take him instead...wait...son?

Was he referring to the bastard? He was the father? That means that...

"No, you can't have them all you weak bitch," I protest aloud.

What did she have that I didn't, to have all these eligible males flocking to her?

My protest seems to fall on deaf ears and I watch them laughing and teasing at my expense not even bothering to acknowledge me.

How disrespectful! They all needed to learn their place!

"You'll get what's coming to you, you and that ...child...and I will have the last laugh, I promise you," I yell sick of being ignored.

I grin in delight as all their attention spans to me faces growing nervous, I open my mouth to further drive the fear I could see creeping on Mahina's face but a new voice stops me.

"Is that a threat Miss Finn, because if it is, I'm afraid I cannot let you go."


That was Keon, I was supposed to stay clear of his radar. He had been little hostile which made him a liability. The man was a bloodhound when he locked on a target and I didn't need that, not while he was so clearly against me and on that bitch's side.

Stupid move Niamh letting the human drive your emotions.

Head bowed; I move around him hurrying it out of the blasted house footsteps echoing behind me as my group hustles it after me.

Shit! I almost blundered in there. I needed to keep my cool so that everything could go off without a hitch. I couldn't afford to mess up.

"Great, now we can never go back in there," grumbles Ash.

I turn to give the whiny bitch a piece of my mind when I realise that I had been handed an excellent opportunity. While they were all distracted in there, I should put the plan into motion. The idea almost makes me forget that I needed to go see someone to repair my hair, again.

Little Shit!

I will delight in their pain, hers, that of her child and those men who thought to reject me.

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