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Someone was shaking me awake, a very soon to be deceased someone, it was the fucking weekend, who wakes up unless they get hungry.

"Go away," I snarl snuggling into my warm pillow, my pillow folds me even tighter into it and I sigh feeling my body relaxing into sleep once more.

Wait...pillows can't do that. My sleep addled mind registers before the warmth lulls it back to sleep again.

"You are not helping!" Someone whisper-shouts, dragging me from my wonderful slumber again.

"I certainly wouldn't if I was holding her like that," a new voice supplies sounding frustrated.

They were mad at my super warm and cuddly pillow; what kind of sad assholes would be mad at such a wonderful thing? Jealous...they were jealous because they didn't have such a fantastic pillow, if they'd been nice I'd have let them try it, but they weren't so I'd suggest they fuck off and leave me and my pillow alone.

My internal rant is halted when my pillow starts shaking. I feel around blindly trying to figure out why. My hand lands on a smooth warm surface seconds before warm heat engulfs my pinkie and I feel the sharp pain of sharp teeth digging into my flesh.

I pry my eyes open blinking at whatever was threatening to bite off my finger. Aquamarine. I blink again. Still there. "You are not a pillow."

"So it appears." Rhys answers body still shaking in amusement as he stares into my eyes.

"Your eyes are so pretty, I hate it."

Rhys doesn't bother to hide his amusement this time, smiling wildly, "Thanks?"

I huff trying to blink my eyes more open.

"I had the weirdest dream," I mumble fighting hard not to snuggle further into the man.

"Mahina! Wake up!" Killian barks from the foot of my bed.

"A nightmare, it was a nightmare and it just came alive," I grumble, and my 'pillow' starts shaking again.

"Kick them out?" I ask staring into the beautiful eyes gleaming down at me.

"What do I get if I do?" he asks with a mischievous edge that was more like his alter.

"Anything you want," I say around my yawn.

Rhys takes the opportunity to shove his finger into my mouth, but I was raising a toddler, sleepy or not, I was prepared for the attack that was a pretty common part of most of my mornings.

I bite down hard on his finger and he winces while still smiling at me.


"Within reason ...hey!"

I yell groggily sitting up to glare at the offender.

"You are like a fucking housefly, don't know to make yourself scarce when you're not wanted!" I snarl my voice multi-layered.

Killian stares at me jaw unhinged his hands still clutching at the blanket he'd pulled off me. Andrei's head pops up from behind him a mirror expression on his face.

"Note to self, our mate doesn't do mornings." Keon says moving to stand next to them leaning down to look into my eyes.

"I think she'd kill you if you move closer man," he says towards Killian before dodging the blanket that's aimed at his face.

Rhys runs his hands down my back soothingly as I breathe heavily trying to calm myself down.

"I turn to him, what are you doing in my bed with no shirt on?" Not that I was complaining.

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