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"Finally!" Aziz crows with a languid stretch as he steps out of the exam hall.

Everyone echoes his sentiment as we follow him out. We had just sat through the last of our written exams. Unlike in the human systems, the continuous assessments tests at Thorne were a major exam with the same significance as the finals, since they all counted towards your final accolades. Failing any of the exams had dire consequences ranging from forced gap years to expulsion in extreme cases. It is safe to say we were all relieved to be through with all that, if only for a moment, before the stress of the results set in.

"Why do we have to theorise martial arts, or the art of war? The titles themselves sound practical," Ax whines leaning on me.

"Don't remind me that we still have to go through the combat practical," Damon grumbles as he walks out of the hall together with his mate who looks like she's about to cry. We all had to take the exam in the huge hall since it was a collective course. It had been nice to see familiar faces seated around me even if we couldn't interact.

What had been bizarre was seeing the stern faces of my parents and mates roaming around the hall acting as invigilators. The winks mama sent me didn't help me feel any better about it. My mates had steered clear of our section with only Killian making one run-through before he also decided the other side of the hall seemed to have more potential cheaters.

"Mahi! Mahi!"

I jolt alert at Ax's call and glance around to see everyone watching me intently.

"What?" I ask.

"I was asking if you'd like to join us, we are headed to our spot to just chill and relax before grabbing lunch before we go practice for the test tomorrow," Ax explains gently. His expression is mirrored on the other six faces and it is an effort too not go on the offensive. They were looking at me like I was a ticking time bomb.

"You could be my sparring partner," Andrei offers moving closer eyeing me softly.

"No thanks, I'm going back to the library, besides, I'd be poor company," I answer turning away so I couldn't see the knowing flash oof sympathy in their eyes.

"Mahi..." Andrei starts but I cut him off.

"It's fine, maybe come get me when it's time for lunch I acquiesce."

He nods before turning to the rest, "You can go ahead, I'll put in our lunch order before I join you," he shares a conspiratory glance with Ax before the latter nods ushering everyone else towards the woods.

After they leave Andrei turns to me, "Can I walk you to the library?"

The question irks me, he was treating me differently, they all were. Before, that would have been a statement, not a question.

I shrug before moving slowly towards the library. He mutters something under his breathe before hurrying to catch up.

I stop at the entrance of the library before turning to him expectantly.

A flash of pain crosses his eyes before he flashes me a tentative grin, "I'll be off then, but I'll be back to get you in approximately two hours," At my silence, he adds, "For lunch."


"Don't what?"

"Don't come, I won't be joining anyone for lunch."

"Why not?"

"I'm not hungry."

"You might be in two hours," he insists.

"I won't," I affirm ignoring the warmth his stubbornness ignites in me.

"We'll see," he counters, but I'm already moving into the library and closing the door behind me.

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