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I open my eyes to find myself in the dark. What in the fates?

I remember being in bed, Rhian and Blue were with me. Did I fall asleep?

I feel around me while trying to shake off the disorientation only find nothing.

Huh? Was I dreaming...again? I wonder apprehension filling me; I couldn't take another memory without breaking.

You are not dreaming.

At that, I jolt upright whirling around to find the voice and I come face to face with...me?


This was some trippy dream.

You're asleep but this isn't a dream.

"Uh huh." I mutter. Definitely a dream. I conclude staring at my dream twin. Bar the hair that was so dark it disappeared and the red glowing eyes, everything else was similar, even the tiny frown on her face that I was sure matched mine.

A sharp pain on my arm jerks me to the present and I wince scowling at the culprit, "What was that for?"

Not a dream! She says fiercely.

Woah! Talk about crazy. Maybe I should go back to therapy and... my thought trails off as I jump back from her pinch-y fingers.

"Fine! This is not a dream, don't pinch me again."

I get a huff in return as she crosses her arms looking frustrated.

"Who are you?"

At my question, she looks so done I have the grace to feel embarrassed, but I stand my ground.

After a moment, I get my answer.


No shit!


Damn, is that how I sound? Like some uptight...


"You are kind of a bi..." remembering the previous reprimand, I try to find an alternative insult.

"You are kind of a...a..." She looks at me patiently and I give up with a groan.

Whatever I am, I am still you, and that's saying something huh?

I don't answer working hard at glaring at her instead whilst trying to salvage my non-existent dignity.

"Why are you here? Where's here?"

We are inside you, and I'm here because your pain called to me before I was ready.

There was a lot to unpack but first and foremost, "What do you mean in me?"

My question has her/my face transforming into a knowing smirk and I snort in answer, "So not the time, you know what I mean."

I am you, where else would I be?

Who was this annoying female and where the hell did she spawn from.

She opens her mouth to deliver another cryptic smartass response no doubt but I beat her to it, "You are me and in me! I got that"

Why ask stupid questions then?

Oh! fates I was going to punch the bitch.

That'd hurt.

"Damn right it would hurt!"

No, I mean it would hurt you.

"And why is that?" I ask incredulous. I knew how to throw a proper punch

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