12 | Dalliances and Delays

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Cold sunlight flooded the room, somehow shining through a gray, overcast sky. Tallon awoke to the sight of Ben on his back, resting an arm over the sheet on his torso and exposing his bare chest. The bandages were still white—a good thing—except for a small splotch of blood. It appeared dry though, and despite Ben's occasional whimper, his breathing was deep and even.

Tallon sighed in relief and propped himself on his elbow to drink in the sight. Asleep, Ben's features had relaxed, and were it not for the bandages, one might declare he rested in a peaceful state.

"Thank Zetia," he whispered, reminding himself to visit the family temple next time he went home.

Rising, Tallon crossed the room and opened the door a crack to a new pair of guards, who glared.

"What are ya doing, Pointy Ears?" The burlier man with a bulbous nose demanded.

"Top of the morning to you too, good ser!" Calling him an arshole wouldn't do him any favors. "I require an audience with the Governor, a meeting in which you are welcome to escort me."

"And why would I do that?" he growled, cracking his knuckles. "I don't bow down or run errands for no elf! Yer lucky I don't gut ya and string yer innards in the square, but I been told you's nobility and to keep yer sorry arse alive."

Tallon assumed his most dignified pose and glared down his slender nose. "You will do this because you're beneath me. My father is Lord Colbert of Sagehand, and I demand an audience with the governor to discuss this misunderstanding. Should you refuse, you may report to your magistrate your failure in preventing a lucrative trade deal."

Burley Boy bared his teeth, revealing a gap between his incisor and molar as pink splotches stained his pasty cheeks. "All ye bloody elves should be hung. I wouldn' be surprised if that whore really did 'oodwink ole Colbert. We're a much better lot without the likes of yer high an' mighty ilk."

Tallon kept his face devoid of emotions but inside, he seethed. It took every ounce of willpower not to sock him in the nose for that insult to his mother, who'd done nothing but fall in love with a human. However, he couldn't keep the rage out of his shaking voice as he growled, "Do it, or I'll ensure you never work again unless it's to shovel shit from every outhouse for the rest of your miserable life. I am tired of your games, and I do have business to attend even during my 'house arrest.' Now get your lousy arse out there at once!"

The man stomped away with a huff, leaving the much smaller guard—a boy no older than sixteen with freckles dotting his cheeks and nose, blue eyes clear as the sky, and curly ginger hair. His front teeth were too big for his face, but he had an innocence written across his awed gaze.

With practiced discipline, the boy kept his shoulders straight and whispered, "Is it true yer from Sagehand? Is your mam truly as beautiful as countless glittering stars on a clear night over the calm sea?"

Tallon hadn't expected that question, but the boy's eagerness lifted his spirits after the horrible barb against his mother. "You have been listening to too many bardic tales," he said with a wink. "But aye, I think she is beautiful. She has no unkind bone in her body, and Lady Sylrona would bestow peace upon your partner anyway and wish him a blessed life."

"An' Lord Colbert, does he love her as much as they say?"

Tallon laughed—he hadn't realized tales of the star crossed lovers had reached this corner of the world where elves were treated worse than slaves. Yet here this boy was, earnestly begging to confirm what was certainly an embellished tale. "Aye, she is his greatest treasure."

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