16 | The Queen's Gambit

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Tallon hadn't heard Ben's thoughts in days. Despite the newness of their bond, the lack of his presence felt wrong.

"Stop pacing or you'll wear out the floorboards," Aeslin said from the doorway of Tallon's quarters.

He looked up, slowly releasing the lip caught between his teeth while untangling his hands from his hair. "Did I miss dinner?"

She lifted her shoulder in a delicate shrug. "After forty-five minutes, I figured you were tearing out your hair again."

Tallon frowned. "I didn't tear it out."

A mischievous smile curved the queen's pouty lips. Despite having fine speech and a calm demeanor, the queen possessed a feral quality. Her untamed hair tumbled in riotous waves down to her butt, and her corset barely contained two creamy, supple breasts within her white, low cut blouse. Her leggings were absolutely scandalous, clinging to her like a second skin.

A month prior, Tallon would have taken his shot and likely failed horrendously. Then he would have fantasized about her dominating and bending him to her will.

Now, he couldn't see her as anything other than a stranger turned friend who had done him a great service. She was beautiful; but she wasn't Ben.

Benethane with feather soft lips and a mess of curly hair long enough for Tallon to grab. He wanted to gaze directly into Ben's emerald green irises as his fealing took him in his mouth and later as they made love.

As his pants became uncomfortably tight, Tallon blushed and shifted from one foot to the other. Remembering his manners, he managed an appropriate bow of a noble addressing a queen. "Forgive me, your majesty. 'Twas rude of me to keep you waiting."

"Tis no matter," she chirped as she looped her arm through his and led him from the cabin.

When they stepped into the corridor leading to her private dinner parlor, she leaned close and whispered, "Though I'm rather disappointed I am not the target of your flattery."

When Tallon scrunched his nose and cocked his head, Aeslin smirked and glanced pointedly at his crotch. "If you weren't so attached to that faeling, I would have played the courtly games I've missed so much and brought you to my bed."

She shook her head once before turning to Tallon with a vulnerable smile and misty eyes. "I must sound terrible; I assure you I am no home wrecker. You're quite attractive, and I've only been with one person since my betrothed—"

Aeslin covered her face. After a sniff, she lowered her hands and released a shaky laugh. "Well, it doesn't matter, does it? But all the same, it is good to see you are loved. I've seen too many of your kind shunned for what you can't help or control."

Abruptly changing the subject, Aeslin opened the door and said, "We should eat."

Inside, several trays laden with broiled mackerel, steamed vegetables, grapes, pudding, and shark fin soup. An odoriferous cheese wheel sat on a raised plate, wafting the stench of unwashed feet into the air.

The smell reminded Tallon of Ben the night they'd met, rambling about cheese.

"It's too bad Ben isn't here to share this," he commented after waiting for Aeslin to take her seat. "He hasn't had much opportunity to try what you and I might consider common food."

"He shall have his fill when he returns." Spearing a grape on a fork, Aeslin popped it into her mouth and chewed before swallowing. Then she poured them each a glass of amber colored wine. "This is ice wine from Esilunia. I thought you might like a taste of your elven culture. We ourselves produced a fine vintage when Springwood thrived, though I'm afraid none survived the curse."

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