15 | The Diadem and a Delay

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Maisie stood in the crypt, in the same spot she had stood a moment before, but something was different. Whatever had happened hadn't hurt, but fire burned from the inside out, the blood in her veins buzzed, and dizziness made her sway. Stranger still, there was something odd about her vision.

The world shimmered, shifting between the gray, dusty stone of the abandoned crypt, lost to eternal shadow save the flicker of her torch, and a vision; marble walls gleamed over polished floors.

Braziers burned merrily as swirls of sandalwood incense drifted lazily in the air. Fragrant flowers filled small vases installed in the spaces between caskets.

The statue and sarcophagus existed also in this vision, well-maintained and undamaged. Someone stood by Maisie's side—someone tall, regal, and beautiful. Ben was nowhere to be found.

The woman was an exact, breathing replica of the statue, with deep bronze skin, wavy hair like ocean waves, and eyes the color of spring grass.

Unsure how she knew, Maisie understood the elven Queen's name. "Yer Queen Nephinae," she declared with a curtsy.

When Nephinae nodded, her body shimmered, revealing her noncorporeal form. "Aye, and you are Maisie, daughter of the sea."

When Maisie's lips parted in surprise, Nephinae chuckled. Like her voice, it was low, throaty, and filled with the same warmth Maise had sensed in the vestibule. "I have been watching your progress across my realm, young lass, and I have seen the virtue of your heart."

Maisie almost choked on a sob. She didn't consider herself a bad person, but she wouldn't call herself good either. There were deeds that could not be undone, and things that could not be unseen, that haunted her memory and dreams. She'd experienced cruelty and violence, and she'd slain a man.

Shaking her head, she replied through trembling lips, "I fear yer mistaken, my queen. I'm not a good person. I've killed, and—"

"Those who have harmed you, or who meant to, would have done worse," Nephinae interjected calmly, watching Maisie with bright eyes and a motherly smile. "You bury your emotions, and hide your true self, but your friends know your worth, and they care for you. Just as you love and place yourself in harm's way to protect them."

Maisie bit her lip but nodded. She did love her friends. They were all she had, and they'd treated her better than almost anyone she'd ever met.

"How are ye here, my queen?" Maisie spread her arms to indicate the serene chamber. "This must be magic of some kind, but I thought using magic was deadly here. I've seen the result myself."

Nephinae's smile faded. "Tis true; nothing with earthly magic survives here long. Elves and Arboreans are naturally inclined to commune with nature, and because of their bond with this land, the curse affects everyone of their species. Fortunately, psychic magic is different."

Her features softened, and her smile brightened again.

"My physical form is long gone, but my spirit lives on. I exist outside this realm, and beyond Volaer's reach, though I am able to exert my will when necessary. I could not stop the destruction, nor save those who perished in its wake. However, it was I who sustained the few surviving Aroboreans who clung to life, and I who boosted Tallon's shield when he cast it to protect Benethane. And it is I who shall bestow upon you the gift of healing to aid you moving forward. You have a good and loyal heart, and a fierce spirit. You remind me of myself, in this way."

Approaching, Nephinae grasped Maisie's shoulders and gently kissed her forehead. "When the time is right, you will protect your friends. Keep them close and trust in each other. Good luck, Maisie of the sea."

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