14 | Harsh Words and Hurt Feelings

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After Tallon left to visit the governor, Ben forced himself to finish his breakfast while cursing the elf's ability to fluster him. He'd barely met the man, but already felt himself at a steep disadvantage. Whether Tallon Colbert of Sagehand was playing with him or not, he had no choice but to play along.

Remembering the manner in which the elf had taken his leave, Ben blushed. Would he really mind if the other man took a liking to him? Or balk at the invitation to share a bed?

Shaking his head, he rejoined Sprout and Scamp, and put himself to work on the remains of breakfast. There was no sense letting it go to waste.

A while later, he lay on the bed, stomach full to bursting, while Scamp and Sprout sprawled out asleep on either side of him.

Rousing himself at last, he made a careful exploration of the suite, moving slowly, mindful of the pain in his side.

The rabbit fur satchel containing the stolen box and documents still lay on the floor, and he picked it up and examined it. His own blood stained one side of the bag, and anger twisted his heart at the sight. He'd risked his life, enduring fear and pain. Did it mean so little to the elf that he had not even looked at what he'd found?

No, Ben remonstrated with himself. Tallon had other things on his mind. Like saving your stupid hide. And then he had other business to attend. He'll examine it when he has the time.

He set the satchel on the table, and continued his explorations.

Soon, the pain in his side troubled him enough to quell his curiosity, and he dared to draw himself a bath.

Sitting naked on the edge of the enormous tub, with Sprout perched on his bare shoulder and Scamp observing from atop the washstand, he watched the hot water pour from the tap as if it were molten gold.

When the tub was half full, he shut off the spout and stepped into the water, enjoying a moment of pure bliss. There must have been some magic in that elven salve, after all; for despite the residual pain, his wound had closed and healed far faster than he could have hoped.

He stayed in the bath a long time; then, wrapped in a towel, and with his muscles warm and relaxed, he returned to the bed and fell back on the soft mattress with a sigh. Sprout and Scamp joined him, one nestling on either side, and with a smile on his lips, Ben shut his eyes.

He only meant to rest a moment, but it was late afternoon when the sound of voices roused him. Sitting up, he pulled the coverlet to his chest as the door opened. Tallon entered, followed by a young woman with flaming curls and wide-set eyes in a pretty face.

Shrinking back against the pillows, Ben looked at Tallon in alarm.

"Who is she?"

Maisie also looked at Tallon askance, and Tallon couldn't determine if she was merely scandalized by the naked man in his bed or thought he was planning a threesome and wanted her to join.

"Zetia's tits and Zolo's nuts!" Tallon swore.

The two stared—Maisie stumbling into the wall and Ben drawing the coverlet up to his chin. Neither seemed amused by his odd choice of expletives.

Clearing his throat and noting his cheeks had gone from clammy to burning, Tallon motioned for Maisie to sit on the chaise while he grabbed a chair from the table, situating himself far enough between the pair to give himself an opportunity to flee the room if needed.

Silence answered him; a quiet so deep, his nervous laugh could awaken an army of the dead.

He addressed Ben first. "Do you remember that business I told you about at the governor's house?" Ben nodded curtly, pressing Tallon to continue in an elevated tone. "This is Maisie Barnes. Perhaps you're familiar with her ordeal and the rumors about the Merchant's Guild?"

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