13 | Voric Strobelius

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Governor Voric Strobelius resided in a grand manor house atop the cliffs to the west of Ballsdeep Bay. With columns and porticos, and many a bas relief facade depicting the feats of various heroes and gods, the house loomed over the flat plain of the clifftop, which was devoid of vegetation, like a naked giant ruling over a desert land.

It was rumored the governor had built his home so far from the main settlement due to his hypochondriac nature and 'delicate nerves,' claiming the noise and smell of the town affected his disposition. In consequence, the manor was the only structure within sight as a carriage rolled up along the cobbled road amid a drenching downpour and stopped in the rounded drive between a grand fountain and the colonnaded entrance.

The guards exited the coach first, with Burly Boy jutting a finger to the wet path. "Out ya get, Pointy-Ears. Try anythin' and I'll gut ya here on this sidewalk." He said the last bit while unsheathing his knife enough to display its lethal edge.

Ginger grimaced but didn't speak out against his superior.

When the front door opened for the butler to welcome the governor's guests, Burly Boy adjusted his jacket and concealed the knife again. Then he stayed close enough for Tallon to catch a whiff of stale tobacco and unbrushed teeth.

Upon being led inside the grand mansion, Mr. Sandwilde introduced himself as the governor's personal valet while taking Tallon's umbrella, overcoat, and hat. When Burley Boy moved to accompany the elf, however, the butler sneered at his drenched clothes. "Master Strobelius will only see young Lord Colbert. You may wait here in the foyer or out in the coach, but I shan't have you mucking your manure-caked boots inside this mansion."

Ignoring Burley Boy's splotched cheeks and bared teeth, the butler guided Tallon through the grand foyer. A high, domed ceiling revealed a skylight above the floors. Rain plinked onto the glass, falling in long rivulets along the sloped window. Flowers in a burst of pinks, orange, and yellow brightened the vast space—a personal touch by the home's lady, as Sandwilde put it.

Up carpeted stairs, all the way to the third floor past sculptures, suits of armor from different countries, and into an office facing the ocean beyond the cliffs with floor to ceiling windows, Sandwilde led Tallon inside. Dark, wooden panels adorned the walls, and bookcases lined one side while ornate curio shelves decorated the other. Within the displays were various trinkets and statues, each more expensive and rarer than the next, including an intricate crown of silver and gold leaves with precious gems expertly wrought into their settings. In the right light, the crown glittered, showering the room in a kaleidoscope of light.

The desk was made from the local pine wood trees that smattered the rainforest deeper inland. Two high backed chairs with blood red velvet fabric sat in front of it while a larger matching throne in the same color had been positioned behind, giving the occupants a grandiose impression of wealth.

Placing his box on the desk and taking his seat, Tallon graciously thanked the butler, who had been far kinder than anyone he'd met thus far.

Warm as ever, Emmerson bowed. "It isn't often we host an elven guest, much less one of your status, My Lord. Would you care for tea? We have a fine selection of local and foreign spices, and I think you might enjoy our homebrew, which consists of white leaves and pomegranate."

With a polite smile to the gentle-mannered man, who upon close inspection appeared frail, yet like a kind father with silver strands among his chestnut hair. Unlike the maid Raebel had described, Sandwilde wore no brand between his eyes. "That sounds delightful. I shall be happy to try whatever you recommend."

"Very good, sir. I shall fetch Master Strobelius and inform Miss Maisie to bring up refreshments. Please relax and wait here."

Alone, Tallon carefully arranged a selection of basic, mid to high quality grade pipe weed along with three polished pipes made from various trees from the mainland, as well as one carved from bone that he'd acquired in the Northern Jungle of Taniros. Trolls didn't generally welcome foreigners, especially elves, but Tallon had secured the trade by partaking in a holy ritual at the tribal chief's request after presenting him with materials to restore a sacred temple site damaged in an earthquake.

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