15 | Gifts and Goodbyes

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The rain continued well into the morning, flooding every street and forcing the trio to take a coach with two trunks and Ben's satchel. No one spoke during breakfast. Maisie had served them, and Tallon had graciously thanked her, telling her she needn't fuss over him and Ben, but closed his mouth when she smacked his hand away with a spoon when he tried to help himself. Ben had said nothing, likely because of Tallon's childish tantrum, and now everyone was miserable.

When their coach arrived, fear pierced Tallon's chest when he noticed a pair of guards in fine green breeches and blue overcoats embellished with bronze buttons. His fear dissipated when the boy from the day before, flaming hair and all, hopped onto the wet pavement with a grin. "Master Colbert! His lordship has hired me into his personal guard!"

Tallon returned the smile and clasped the young man's hand. "That is wonderful news. You have potential to be so much more than a city guardsman."

An older man with silver streaks among his brown hair placed a hand on the boy's shoulder. "Reggie, please do not hound the man. He has places to be."

"Yes, of course, sir." The young guard—Reggie—took their trunks and secured them to the coach while the older man chuckled. "He's eager to please, that one, but once he's trained up a bit, he'll do fine."

"Good to hear."

With their luggage packed, Tallon allowed the first guard to escort Maisie to the coach while Ben followed, casting a glance over his shoulder at Tallon. When he disappeared into the vehicle, Reggie sidled up to Tallon and caught his arm while the older guard took the reins in front. "Oi, we're to bring you to the docks," he announced, "I dunno what's happenin' with Grelorn, but the Guild Master has the city guards searchin' all the cargo. Me lordship Strobelius has vouched for you though, as you've been either here or at his house, but he don't want no one harassin' you."

Oh, dear. So Ben's theft hadn't gone unnoticed. Where had they stowed that satchel anyway? He needed to get his hands on it sooner rather than later, and he kicked himself for not thinking about Grelorn noticing. "Oh?"

Reggie cast a meaningful look at the coach and pursed his lips before dropping his voice. "Look, I know that boy. He serves drinks at the inn, but I didn't say nothin' coz he's like me." Reggie spread his arms to indicate himself. "We're both from the streets, an' we take care of our own. Fine lords such as yerself don't care about people like us."

"Everyone deserves a chance to build a life for themselves," Tallon replied, despising his caste more and more. "And for the record, that boy is my valet. The thief at the inn doesn't exist anymore."

"Oh I won't snitch," Reggie promised before glancing over his shoulder when the senior guard called for him. "Oi, I s'pose we should get goin'. I left a gift for you from Master Strobelius inside the coach. He sent a bottle of his finest' an' he's promised there's no berries in it."

Tallon almost burst out laughing, remembering his strange turn of luck during what could have been a disastrous diplomatic failure. Touched, he clasped Reggie's hand. "I appreciate the gesture very much. And you. I wish you all the best in your endeavors."

Blushing, the boy ran to the back of the carriage, hopping onto the footman block like a child climbing a tree.

Tallon joined his party inside and held his breath, wondering just how much trouble they were in if Grelorn was sending his men into everyone's luggage.

Once the coach bounced along the path, Tallon addressed Ben, speaking to him for the first time since the previous day. "This is probably a terrible time to ask, but what was in that box?"

His companion shrugged. "How should I know? You were supposed to go through it. My job was to find evidence, and I barely managed to grab what I did before I was shot."

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