19 | Elves Gone Wild

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Content warning: 🌶️🌶️🌶️This is our first spicy chapter, so be warned! (full credit for the strap-on goes to Kristi; Owlie takes no responsibility for that 😜🤣)

Ben took Tallon's hand and climbed out of the tub. His legs wobbled—more so for the hot water—and his heart raced with sudden nerves, but there was nowhere else he'd rather be than in Tallon's arms.

Taking a towel from a wooden bench, Tallon dried Ben off, pausing when he reached the area below the navel.

"Is this okay? Would you like me to stop?"

Remembering the things he'd sensed through Tallon's thoughts while on the road, Ben blushed, but shook his head. "No, don't stop." Through their link, he added, I'll tell you if you do something I don't like. The mind doesn't lie. Until then, you have my... consent.

Tallon showed his intent through their link and waited until understanding shone in Ben's eyes. When he nodded, Tallon let the towel fall and kneeled, trailing kisses from Ben's navel to the inside of his thigh. Then he took him in his mouth.

Lowering his mental guard, Tallon let Ben see himself through his eyes: the fae's natural beauty and the joy of his hard-won smile, his contentment now that they were together, and his frustration when they were apart. He showed Ben the first time they'd kissed at the Otter, and all the times since then, when he'd yearned for the otherworldly man in front of him now.

Ben clutched Tallon's hair with both hands as intense sensation made his knees buckle, and he gasped as a cry left his throat.

Tallon's concern came through their link, but Ben tightened his grip on the elf's hair. Unable to speak aloud, he projected his thought. By the Four, don't stop!

Tallon hummed in satisfaction.

This was unlike anything Ben had ever imagined, and he closed his eyes as he tilted his head back, reveling in Tallon's tender, steady motions.

He could barely think, let alone breathe. When a sudden explosion of pleasure rocked his body, he cried out as Tallon finished him, holding him steady with a firm grip. For several seconds after, he stood in place, trembling as Tallon rose with a wicked grin on his lips.

Wiping his mouth on a cloth, Tallon rested his hands on Ben's waist and pressed their foreheads together.

Alright? He asked.

Still catching his breath, Ben nodded. I didn't know it could be like this.

Affection shone in Tallon's amethyst gaze. Intimacy is beautiful, when shared with someone you love. When you're ready, I'll gladly show you more.

Releasing him, Tallon handed Ben a fresh towel and dried himself with another. Then he took a pair of clean robes, dressing Ben in one and himself in the other.

Satisfied they were ready to retire, Tallon led Ben through the corridor to their cabin. As the door fell shut, Tallon let his robe slide off his body and tossed it aside.

Ben stared. Tallon's form was glorious to behold: all taut lines and muscular definition.

As his eyes followed those lines past a trim waist to narrow hips, Ben blushed. Still aroused, Tallon remained on full display, and Ben quailed at the size of that beast; he didn't know if he could survive an encounter in one piece.

Picking up Ben's thoughts, Tallon grinned; the fae's shock was clearly written across his face.

With a wink, Tallon turned away, sauntered over to the basin in the corner behind his hammock, and tended to his oral hygiene.

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