18 | A Mystery and A Bawdy Party

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The week passed in a blur between fitting and buying new clothing for Maisie and Ben, and braving the busy markets for provisions, tonics, and small weapons for the pair.

For Ben, Tallon had found a long dagger with a slim hilt. The balance was excellent for human craftsmanship, and the handle was made from polished oak, wrapped in soft leather.

While Tallon inspected Ben's blade, Maisie found a dagger small enough to wedge between her breasts, making Tallon laugh when she demonstrated. Well as that might be for close quarters, Tallon wanted her to have more protection, so he'd bought her a blow dart gun that she could easily stow in a pocket and use at her discretion.

Upon balancing the books one night, Maisie, much to Tallon's chagrin, peered over his shoulder as she served tea. "Forgive me, sir, I know it ain't my place, but you spend an alarming amount of money."

Scowling as he sipped his tea, Tallon demanded, "What do you mean? I can't negotiate a lower rate for passage than I already have. And I don't see you complaining about copper plumbing."

"Oh get yer pants out of a bunch and listen," she said, placing her finger on his receipt book and dragging it down the list, stopping to read his more frivolous purchases. "Otter handled silverware? Really? You were ripped off."

"It's for my sister!" he protested, "And the prices were clearly marked on the display."

She snorted in disgust, "Did you learn nothing at yer daddy's knee? You can still negotiate, ye numpty. I can't believe you somehow managed a decent deal with Strobelius."

Smarting, Tallon tried to pull the book away, but she leaned over him and snatched it from his hands before darting into the kitchen. "Confections from... oh, well Raebel does make fine candies," she said with a smile curving her thin lips.

After a moment, she sighed and passed him the book. "Yer' gonna find yourself kidnapped and sold for ransom, m'lord. Ye can't spend that kinda money in the Western locales. Most people don't have two coppers to rub together, and even the lesser to affluent nobles are only mildly wealthy. Perhaps you should stick to the two bits for gratuity fees and maybe six bits for bribes. You don't need to give a full dang half-knot, m'lord."

She said the last part with a sassy little curtsy, something she wouldn't have dared do around Strobelius. Tallon found her attitude refreshing, appreciating her honesty and concern.

"She's right, you know," Ben said, glancing up from where he sat on the floor, carefully inspecting all his new things, like a child opening gifts from Father Winter on Solstice Day. "I'm far from the only pick-pocket in Ballsdeep, despite the penalty for theft. I'm surprised you made it out with your purse intact. Oh! I forgot about this."

He pulled a cloth-wrapped parcel from his things and held it up.

"Brixby's gift. I meant to open it on the ship, but then..."

The memory of nausea made him swallow hard. Maisie had found a reputable apothecary, and Tallon had purchased the most expensive (and guaranteed effective) tonic he had, but Ben still dreaded the thought of boarding another ship.

"Well, open it already, why don't ye?" Maisie said, dropping to sit at his side. "See what ye got."

Flashing her a smile, Ben untied the rough twine that bound the gift and unfolded the cloth. Within was a small wooden box with a fitted lid. Lifting this, he found three items within: a brief letter written in Brixby's careful, blocky hand, a pouch, and a beautiful silver brooch. Attracted by this last item first, he picked it up and turned it over in his hands. It was very finely made, with the silver worked into a complicated pattern of leafy vines, entwined about an emerald with opposing crescent moons on either side.

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