8 | The Last Queen of Springwood

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Compared to the seemingly constant storm that lashed the battered land, the water of the bay remained strangely calm. The Gatekeeper floated like a fishing bob on a calm day despite rain splattering the deck.

In a small stateroom behind the captain's quarters, Aeslin helped Tallon into a hammock before sitting on a nearby chair.

Her foot rested comfortably over her knee in a scandalous way, yet she didn't seem bothered in the least as she leaned against the backrest.

"I imagine it's nice to feel like you can breathe again," she remarked as she studied her fingernails.

Dizziness prevented Tallon from attempting to sit up, but Lady Aeslin was right; he did feel better.

As Scamp flew into the room and settled on top of his chest, Tallon absently gathered her for a cuddle. "How did you know? What's wrong with this place?"

Ben and Maisie had entered the room behind the queen, each finding a stool and sitting a fair distance away.

A crew member hung an oil lamp on a wall hook before exiting with a bow. With the door closed behind him, the party was finally alone with the eccentric queen.

Glancing at Tallon's companions, she said, "Well come on! I'm not going to bite."

A low whine distracted the queen. Fann had followed Ben into the room and sat at his side. Aeslin laughed as the wolf nuzzled his hand.

"Gracious, you do keep interesting company. I suppose that makes sense for a child of nature."

Not daring to speak, Ben lowered his head.

The queen surveyed the trio before speaking slowly. "I suppose you deserve an explanation. It's clear none of you know anything about Deadwood, or you'd have all thought twice about setting foot in such a forsaken land. Especially you two," she said, indicating Ben and Tallon.

Ben startled but didn't say anything. His gaze flickered to Tallon, who didn't appear feverish, but barely kept his eyes open. He was pale, but without the deathly pallor from the night before.

Aeslin observed them this entire time, casting Ben a knowing smile when he met her gaze again. "Anyone can see you've got a touch of magic in you, child. What that magic is, I can't perceive, but you are no ordinary human."

A knock made everyone look up. Several elves entered the cabin, two carrying in a small table on which one set out a tray of tea.

When they left, Aeslin poured them each a cup and passed them around the group. Tallon refused with a feeble wave while Ben and Maisie accepted.

"Deadwood earned its name the moment the old college imploded nearly half a century ago. The scholars had been working on something new—my parents had advised them to forgo their foolish endeavor, but the scholars refused, insisting they were on the brink of something huge. When a pending cataclysm became imminent and the elves were ordered to evacuate, only the mages stayed behind to protect the land."

Aeslin paused to sip her tea before setting her cup down with shaking hands.

"The destruction was instant; the blast decimated the entire cliff and anyone within its immediate range. Ash rained for days, and soon after, a scourge claimed the land, killing plants at the roots and poisoning the soil all the way down to the last granule."

Her nose twitched as tears dripped from her chin. "We didn't have time to get anyone out. My parents needed to act quickly, so they gathered all willing mages and cast a containment spell around Springwood. It worked, but at a great cost."

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