Chapter 17

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Don't Go Insane

My vision was shrouded in darkness. My body was sprawled on the cold cement ground like I was nothing. I was left in this room for however many days, losing my sanity due to the absence of human interaction and sunlight.

The only moments of interaction I had was when they brought me food, a repetitive routine I had committed to memory.

Over these past couple of days, I was recovering from extensive surgery that was required to save my life due to the shooting. One day, I overheard the doctors discussing Graves' intentions. How he was obsessively fixated on me, adamant that I had to stay with him to be under his command.

They also talked about my complications during surgery. The bullets hit too close to my heart, making the surgery longer than they expected. The lining in my heart was torn, slowly bleeding from the inside. My hip absorbed the force of several impacts, each bullet exploding upon contact.

I was left to rot in that cell before they took me in for surgery. I was likely to die there. Cast aside as if I held no significance to anyone, and in that moment in my life I truly felt that way.

Thankfully they gave me medicine to calm the pain throughout my body. I didn't have a way to see myself in this god forsaken room but from what I could feel, I could tell I looked like death itself. My hair was ratted and brown from the dust collecting in the room, and the entire top half of my body was wrapped in bandages from the surgery. The only thing I was wearing was the combat pants I was shot in.

It's almost funny what consumes your thoughts when there are far more pressing matters to concern yourself with in such dire circumstances. Here I was bleeding from the inside out, and all I was worried about was the fact these people saw me naked on the table. They had to completely undress me, see everything on the table, and then wrap the bandages around my boobs.

I was seriously worried about that.

I think the only reason I was worried about that was because of my delusion in this damn room. Also because Graves was watching too. He was hovering above me as the anesthesia took over. I remember him saying somethin-

Oh my god I remember.

My eyes widened as I recalled what he said to me. 'If I can't have you, no one can.'

What the fuck did he mean by that? Was I just imagining that when they put me to sleep or did that really happen? I was so confused with this whole situation it was making my head hurt. First of all, he obviously wanted to kill me when he ordered his men to shoot at me that night. Then I'm hearing from the doctors he never wanted to hurt me, but then I was shoved in this cell to die. It keeps going. I was taken into surgery to repair the damage, and now I'm getting fed.

This was confusing as fuck.

I wasn't going to let him get to my emotions though. I was going to stay strong and fight through this, but shit it's hard when you're slowly decaying in a cell all alone.

I heard heavy sounds of boots coming my way. There were multiple, and I've never heard that before. It's only ever been one person.

"Open it up." A voice I didn't recognize spoke.

Suddenly, two men came into the room. A woman was behind them, trying to peek into the dark cell in front of her.

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