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Lucky went headfirst into the next area of the Sky Castle, the Aqueducts, only to be encountered by Dragonmaster Nine who was waiting for her the entire time.

Dragonmaster Nine: ROAR ROAR! Welcome to the Aqueducts of Doom, tiny adversary! Foxes like me tend to take water too well, but that won't stop me from my mission!

Lucky: Surely because I am a fox like you and I am a Swiftail and you are a fox with nine tails and dragon claws. Alright then, what do I need to do?

Dragonmaster Nine: If you think you can best me in these shadowy halls, you are sorely mistaken. I am a Master of the Dragons! ROAR! I SHALL DISAPPEAR!!!

Dragonmaster Nine disappears into a mark of fire, leaving Lucky to explore the watery temple of the Aqueducts of DOOM! Especially because everything is DOOM! However, as a fox, Lucky sworn to herself that adventure awaits her and danger lurks around every corner of the darkness like the evil caterpillars and buzzing bees.

There are puzzles yet to be solved and coins to collect, as well as secrets that are hidden.

There were evil golems relaxing and chilling, like they were corrupted by something or someone. Probably by Dragonmaster Nine.

The skulls on the sign were making Lucky a little nervous and uneasy, but that won't stop her from completing her mission!

Dragonmaster Nine tested Lucky's moves, aka her tail attacks and her burrowing. He was teasing her, telling her that there was no escape and instead must become one of the Fox-ins, but that won't work on her because she switched sides.

She uses water wheels to get around and platforms that move that will flip over, showing a hazard of spikes. Nevertheless, it won't stop her.

Once she make it to the end, she saw a fox, not one of the Fox-ins but it was a different kind of fox. Lucky then use her tail to swing it against the cage, freeing the said fox.

???: Phew! Thanks for the rescue. That nine tailed fox is recruiting golems into his army, but his mind control magic didn't work on me.

Lucky: Who are you?

Lyra: Funny that you mention it. I'm Lyra, your big sister. I think... Although it seemed like a long time ago since you teamed up with the Kitty Litter, but I won't go against them since they were on the side of good.

Lucky: Lyra, huh? Nice name and, uh... yeah. I had to team up with the Kitty Litter ever since our village was destroyed... I couldn't remember the rest but last thing I remember was something taking me inside and then nothing... But I remember that the Kitty Litter took care of me when I grew up.

Lyra understood that and smiled at the fox girl, placing her hand on Lucky's shoulder.

Lyra: Well, if you want to stay with the Kitty Litter, then go for it. I won't stop you.

Lucky: Thank you!

Lyra: Also, while I was captured, little that he know that I had THIS with me!

Lyra grab out a Clover! Lucky picked it up and put it into the Book of Ages. The level was complete!


Back at the Sky Castle, Lucky came back with more clovers. She starts to go do some puzzle solving while Lyra was working up on an invention.

Master Mittens finished his meditation; his ears flickered as he heard the door from Dragonmaster Nine's castle broke off the chains. It was enough to open the castle!

He notice Lucky running around in attempt to do some burrowing business and puzzle solving. His kitty instincts told him that she wasn't alone. She had a fox friend, Lyra, with her.

Master Mittens: (That fox... What is she doing here? Is she going to cause trouble?)

These questions ran around Mittens' head as one of his ears flickered, watching Lyra and saw what she was doing. Was she building something like a teleporter that could take them back home? No, that will take a while. Mittens didn't want to cause any more trouble like he did in the last two adventures.

Master Mittens: (While Lucky is doing some puzzle solving, I should just start off here called "Go Fetch" and maybe find out what Dragonmaster Nine is up to. Yes, that'll be good for me.)

Mittens snaps his fingers and disappears, teleporting himself to the entrance of "Go Fetch". He took one last look of the Sky Castle before heading inside, starting his own adventure solo.

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