Dungeon Run and Boss Battle

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This dungeon was located in the mines where the gears are grinding and powering up through the mine. There were moles who are working in there.

From where it was, this dungeon was going in a straight line, meaning that Lucky and Master Mittens are going to start running automatically once the countdown reaches zero.

Lucky got ready to her starting position as Mittens cheered her on.





Lucky starts running, burrowing underground to gather the coins before coming out of the ground and bounced on a bird to get to a higher ground to gather coins up there.

She bounce up to higher ground to catch some coins, jumping on enemy birds to get the gem, then jumps down to bounce back up and dives down on the ground, burrowing her way underground.

More bird enemies show up, Lucky was prepared for this as she use the bounce pad to jump up and stomp on the birds, reaching to a mini bouncy bounce house to get a Mystery Clover to add to her book.

Lucky reach down to get the K and the Y, spelling out Lucky to get a Letter Clover. Now that's left is the Coin Clover and the Chapter Clover to get.

Master Mittens was right at the background, watching Lucky as he leap one gear after another while the fox girl was collecting some coins along the way. Some birds to stomp on and gems to get, reaching over 300 coins to gain the Coin Clover, then bouncing in the bouncy bounce house to reach the end in order to grab the Clover where Carl the Cook was standing.

Now it was a Level Complete!


Back at the Sky Castle, Lucky and Master Mittens was back here and out of the portal was Carl the Cook.

Carl the Cook: Woo! Merci for getting me outta that jam, mon petit chou-chou! I'm Carl, golem chef and food connoisseur to the Guardian Order.

Lucky: It's nice to meet you, Carl!

Master Mittens: I agree. Do you have any of those tasty fish sticks do you?

Carl the Cook: I would offer you my best table, but it iz somewhere lost in the rubble, I'm afraid.

Master Mittens sighs in disappointment as his ears went down. Lucky gently put her hand on Mittens' shoulder.

Lucky: It's okay, Mittens. Perhaps we can find food somewhere, but not here.

Carl the Cook: Perhaps we could all use a new perspective, non? You can find all sorts of things by climbing higher!

Lucky lead the way to the castle where Dragonmaster Nine lives in. Mittens, on the other hand, felt like something wasn't right. Who was this Golem? And what does it want with him and Lucky? He knew Lucky didn't notice. Maybe due to the fact that everything was fun and adventurous, yet, it made him better having a friend fox by his side.

Master Mittens: (Guess I shouldn't worry on that... But Dragonmaster Nine, however, is not giving up very easily.)

Master Mittens followed after Lucky, stopping in his tracks when he see a castle of Dragonmaster Nine's face on the stained glass. The door was still locked, but since they have enough, they can open the door.

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