Go Fetch

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Master Mittens made it to one of Lucky's favorite levels, Go Fetch. Though it sounds dangerous carrying something to the goal in order to get out of there, but this is the only way of passing through.

Dragonmaster Nine appears and pose a ninja stance, making Mittens sweat drop.

Master Mittens: Stupid Dragonmaster Nine...

Dragonmaster Nine: My skills are great, but not even a Nine Tailed Master like myself could breach the castle's defenses.

Master Mittens: Maybe I shall be the one who breach through the castle's defenses! KA-CHOW!

Master Mittens got his mojo back from Lucky's confidence. Dragonmaster Nine was shocked as his ears point up.

Dragonmaster Nine: What's that? You think YOU can do what I could not? Fool! I DARE you to try!

Master Mittens: Ha! I dare to try!

Dragonmaster Nine: Why would you do it? Because there's a TERRIBLE BEAST up ahead guarding the path! If you can defeat him, maybe, just maybe you may indeed be worthy of facing me... someday! But for now... KA-BOOM! I SHALL DISAPPEAR!!!

Dragonmaster Nine disappears in a puff of fire as a mark appears on the floor.

Master Mittens: (That mark...? How is he doing this?)

The mark disappears once more. Mittens will show that ninja fox who's who! He turn his attention to a Golem.

Master Mittens: Hey! You're... Geovanni, right?

Geovanni: Yep! It's me, Geovanni! I'm surprised you remembered me since I'm not wearing a hat. Uh... this... this is a little awkward for me.

Master Mittens: Uh... yeah. You don't have your body right now.

Geovanni: So, yeah, the castle guard dog has been acting a little crazy since that fox showed up.

Master Mittens: Nine, right?

Geovanni: Yeah. I tried to calm him down, but he...uh...he ran off with my body. Would you mind carrying me until we find it?

Master Mittens: It will be my pleasure to help out a friend of Lucky's. In fact... KA-CHOW! I shall help the rest of the Golems and save them from that nine tailed fox!

Geovanni's eyes sparkle in awe.

Geovanni: W-Well said, Master Mittens.

Master Mittens pick up Geovanni's head and once he did, the defenses started to activate! Cannons of fireballs fire straight, platforms moving and coins that appear in where it will take him.

Master Mittens: (This appears to be more fun than I thought! If I can make it through this place like Lucky did, then I can do it for her. I'll make her proud!)

He carried Geovanni to the next area. While doing so, he did notice the Great Golem isn't attacking Mittens, it was helping him out as in lending him a hand, and it was a good thing for him.

He made it to the last and final area, coins popping up in a straight line. Mittens will need to grab them for a Clover.

Master Mittens: (Ah! The exit! I can see it from a feet away! Guess the Mew-Shu Master wins the day!)

Master Mittens smiled to himself, knowing that he could get there without any trouble. But before he could, something came crashing down right behind Mittens, startling him as his fur jolts up!

Master Mittens: Wah! What the-?!


Master Mittens: (Of course... It's a firey flame dog I put to stop Lucky. Now Nine's at it.)

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