Veggie Village Intro

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Lucky and Master Mittens were out of the book and into another world, a village filled with vegetables and worms that live here in the subterranean town. Here - the worms are all farmers here in this very place and if it goes wrong, well... let's say the results aren't going to be pretty.

Speaking of results aren't going to be pretty... A fox wearing a inventor outfit, a pencil stuck in her hair and a propeller stuck attached in her tail - used for flying lessions. Her tail got caught on fire, but it was now fine as it is, even with her mishaps. She wears glasses because she's a genius. She was flying in her newly propeller chopper made of parts for her new invention - thanks to her intelligible genius.

Propeller-Tail: What?! A Swiftail and a Kitty here, in my barn?! Oh, I don't think so!

She flies her machine chopper over to Lucky and Master Mittens, envy filled her with unnecessary insanity. She was about to use those machine arms to make an attack.

Propeller-Tail: Now hold still and I'll make this as painless AS I CAN!

She tries to attack Lucky first, but then, her machine stopped.

Propeller-Tail: What? Huh?

Her flying machine wobbles and then went out of control. Propeller-Tail tried to override the controls, but the oil is leaking out, the lights go out, its malfunction tripped the propeller tailed fox out of the machine and landed on the crates.

Propeller-Tail: No! Stop! Stop!

Propeller-Tail yelled as the machine then explodes, then she scoffs in utter annoyance.

Propeller-Tail: NOOOOOOOO!!!

Meet Propeller-Tail - A genius, inventor fox who causes trouble for everyone with her machines - still struggles on their problems for now...

Propeller-Tail calms down her little rant and grabs out her little device.

Propeller-Tail: Greetings, unknown variables. I'm Propeller-Tail the Inventor -- vixen (female fox) genius and inventor extraordinaire (outstanding or remarkable). My calculations tell me there are Clovers buried in the subterranean structures of this sad little town. Rather than phishing blindly, my machines are excavating (digging) dirt-based nutrient locations for maximum efficiency. *mumbles to herself* Waste not, want not and all that. I would caution you not to interrupt their algorithms (progress) -- it'd be a shame to have to atomize (convert into fine particles) you for interfering. But I will! OH, I WILL!!! Now, back to work...GOOD TALK.

Propeller-Tail press the buttons in correct order to activate her propeller attached to her tail, and flies off to somewhere in the village of vegetables.

Someone was there as well. A kitty feline with a device - generally a genius inventor extraordinaire.

 A kitty feline with a device - generally a genius inventor extraordinaire

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Tess: Is that you, Lucky? And Master Mittens?

Lucky: We're here, Tess, safe and sound from the Dragonmaster Nine.

Tess: Well, fertilize my inventions! My worries are over! (But not for them...) Listen, that fox Propeller-Tail showed up and set her contraptions loose on the fields. She's causing problems for the upcoming Harvest Festival and those worms expect me to take care of it.

Tess starts panicking, ears went down as an identification of someone who is afraid.

Tess: I don't know what to do. Worst I've had to deal with up until now was an argument on us - the Kitty Litter and now putting the blame on me. *mumbles to herself* The blame... Why can't it stop...?

Lucky walks up to Tess and place her hand on Tess' head, rubbing it in a softly gentle padding. Tess look up at Lucky, perplexed.

Lucky: Don't you worry, my good fellow Tess. I'll help out the folks so that they won't blame you for something like that.

Tess: Thank you, Lucky. Can you put a wrench in that fox's plans? Those worms though... I better confront them if I'm going to be an approved feline and not low standard bad guy. More on a extra note - I'm coming with you so that we can stop that fox.

Tess follows along Lucky through the Veggie Village, still the uncirculated terms of her life as a villain was good, at first, but now, she was bored of the whole villain/bad guy thing. She watch Lucky talk to the people that live there, including Lyra.

Lyra: I ever tell you about my favorite portal to open? It all started years ago. How many years, you ask? I couldn't give you a precise number. Maybe it was ten, maybe it was eleven. Who knows, it could have been ten and a half for all we did on those adventures ago. Anyways, what was I saying?

Tess: (Those critters though... I would focus on making inventions, but how can I-)

Lucky: Hey, Tess!

Tess look to where Lucky was going, Piggy Peril, one of those worlds that have Clovers in there.

Lucky: Let's head in there! This one sounds like fun!

Tess: Yes, and I guarantee it will be fun. (I feel bored for some unknown reason as to this rich-soil nutrient, but still...) I'll start with the chickens first, pesky little critters running around like Propeller-Tail is doing harm on them.

Lucky: Sounds like a plan. We'll cover more ground if we split up.

Tess nods, then pressing a few buttons on her device to instantly teleport to the place that has chickens.

The fox girl, Lucky starts heading straight for Piggy Peril and start her quest.

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