Piggy Peril and Egg Roll

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Lucky starts off at the Piggy Peril. Tess had to stay behind and do something to keep this town safe as a pillow -- LITERALLY -- It had to work if she'll get a chance to be on the side of good by fixing problems.

Firstly, she talks to the worm woman - Jolene.

Jolene: That darn Propeller-Tail is really playin' dirty! She's got our hogs runnin' wild--LITERALLY! She's forcing our poor pigs to power this crazy metal monstrosity!

Lucky was in shock to hear that about the pigs.

Lucky: That's horrible!

Jolene: Yes, it sure is. It's just you and me here, partner. I'll keep an eye out for Propeller-Tail while you go on ahead. Let's shut this stockyard down!

Lucky: On it!

Lucky start to walk across the bridge. In the background, not only she sees one of Propeller-Tail's machines with gears turning and saws sawing, be t she saw pigs trapped in poor uncomfortable conditions. Now she felt bad for the pigs, but she'll free them eventually. Tess could feel the same, but she was heading to the place where the chickens are at.


Egg Roll

Tess arrived at the site where chickens hatch their eggs and eggs rolling out of control - must been Propeller-Tail's work for those poor chickens.

Tess: (Alright. So the massive population of chicken hatching has a rate of 100% Now to find the source of this troublemaker...)

A sound of whirling came in, following by a unexpected crash. It was Propeller-Tail - undoubtedly by the fall that she DID expect, she didn't mind and will get used to it from time to time. She fiddled with her glasses and got them in front of her eyes before turning to the kitten, Tess.

Tess: (She's here... great...)

Propeller-Tail: Ah, the feline variable. I've yet to factor (circumstance that contributes to a result) how you fit in. While my automated excavators work elsewhere, I'm doing WONDERS for their egg production around here. This place could use a little imaginative innovation (featuring new methods) if you ask me.

Tess: (Of course she would do that.)

Propeller-Tail: But these ungrateful (not showing gratitude) invertebrates DON'T UNDERSTAND PROGRESS! *mumbles to herself* I'm surrounded by average-minded individuals. UGH!

Propeller-Tail takes her, using her device to activate her propeller on her tail and flies away, leaving Tess finally alone for once.

Tess: (Finally! Now I can focus on my work - starting with the chickens and their egg production.)

Tess walked over to the worm - Farmer Duncan - and make a pleasant conversation.

Farmer Duncan: That fox inventor, Propeller-Tail, put these 'Scramble-matic' gizmos (gadgets) on our chickens! It's made 'em bigger than a barn chock full of buffalos!

Tess: I'm certain those gadgets that she put on them are around here somewhere.

Farmer Duncan: Do you mind burrowin' around for a spell? I'm sure you'll dig up somethin' useful!

Tess got to work on how to stop the Scramble-matic, somehow, she remembers how she made them when Lucky shut them down. Now it's her turn to do it as soon as she figure it out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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