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ᴀ ᴍ ʙ ᴜ ʟ ᴀ ɴ ᴄ ᴇ

"johnny..." dally groaned, he was aching pain

"it's me dallas" you told him, your hands were on your knees. "we're back in tusla, going to the hospital"

he gave a blank stare. "where's johnny man?"

"in another ambulance behind us, including pony" you explained, bitting your bottom lip. "dallas that was so un like you, risking something like for someone..."

dally grew pale, he quieted down. the sounds of a siren was warping between the both of yours silence

"my arm hurts man" he rolled his eyes, trying to forgot about what you said

"i think you burnt it really bad, dal" you got flashbacks of the paramedics rushing banaids all over dallas

"how far are we from the hospital?" dally groaned,his eyes grew heavy

"five minutes away sir" the nurse answered, before you could speak

f i v e m i n u t e s

you were in the waiting room, besides pony and the teacher from earlier

his face was cover in smoke, he was smoking a cigarette

you impatiently waited for any answeers about dallas and more about johnny

you looked around, soon noticing two familiar people come down the lobby

there stood the two other brothers of pony's. darrel curtis and sodapop curtis

pony rushed to get up and he hugged soda tightly. his eyes lingered around, seeing darry in the corner of his eye and darry broke out into tears

darry begun to mumbled things to the two, soda arms wrapped around the both of them

as they wiped their tears and pulled apart, soda came up to you. "hey y/n"

"hi soda and darry" you waved at the two. "we haven't heard anything about the boys yet"

"we'll wiat here" darry said, wiping his tears from earlier away

as you four sat in the lobby, waiting for an answer you rested your head onto soda's shoulder

your eyes went shut, falling asleep for a bit

your eyes slowly opened, you rubbed them open, you saw the boys talking to a nurse while soda was still sitting down besides you

they were talking with a doctor and from afar, a nurse approached him. someone that looked too familiar

"y/n?" her face was fuming in rage. it was your mom

"mom..." you got up, hoping she wouldn't yell any further

"y/n oh god!" her voice raised a bit higher, catching darry's and the doctors attention. "have you been fooling around with these hoodlums the past few days? god y/n!"

"hey!" you raised your voice, knowing you loved someone that classify in their class. "mom please it's a long story and—"

"y/n" she sighed, "i don't want to hear it. my shift ends soon, go to my car now"

she handed her keys to you, glaring into your eyes

you got up from soda's shoulder, waving good bye to him and the others

you looked behind as you walked down the cold hall, wanting the doctors to yell dallas name so you could see him

you looked down, gulping. you were screwed, your mom knew your biggest secret

you were in loved with a hoodlum

© mutuxl_strxwberry

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