Camren (g!p camila)

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This was requested by @nevermind1324

So I hope this goes well😊


When my parents told me we were having a family friend over, they told me she was from Miami, not Heaven.

"Her name is Camila," Normani, a new friend I had thanks to moving in with my dad and step family - another family friend. "She's really shy, her dad has a bad temper and a while back he lost it and went crazy on her."

I shot my head towards her, "He hurt her?"

"Yes," Normani stated solemnly. "She still comes to visit him occasionally, though. That's partially why she's in the city now."

"How do you know so much about her?" I asked, looking back to the younger girl.

"Oh, when we were younger we all lived in the same neighborhood, as do you and I, and we were really close. We still are, we just never talk outside of her visits."

"Oh, so no texts, phone calls?"

"None at all," She said.

"Hi," The small Latina walked up to Normani, the taller girl engulfing her in a warm hug.

"I missed you so much Mila!" Normani exclaimed.

"I missed you too," Camila stated quietly, giving Mani a small smile.

My eyes traveled down her body and stopped on her enormous butt.

"Damn," I muttered. I felt eyes on me and looked up, only to be met with Camila's. She'd caught me. I only smirked, feeling no shame whatsoever, and walked off. My family was having a get together party tonight, and it was in my house since it was the largest.

Half the adults were already drunk, staggering around, bumping into people, and slurring forgotten apologies.

The night drew on, and I found myself constantly searching for the shy girl I met earlier tonight.

I bumped into somebody and muttered a small apology, but that was the least of my worries now.

I had finally spotted the small girl, standing by the snack table, nibbling on a cracker.

I made my way to her and stood beside her.

"Are you alright? You seem a bit disoriented?" I asked, catching her attention.

"I - I'm fine," She mumbled, liking away.

I leaned to grab something off the table, my body leaning over hers. I placed my hand on her arm and grabbed a drink off the table and brining it up to my lips.

"Would you like some?"

"No thank you," She smiled slightly.

"Are you sure? I won't tell," I winked. I was now standing in front of her, leaning down to her ear. "And if you wanna come up to my room with me, I won't tell about that either."

My hand traveled down to her crotch but as soon as I did, she pushed me away and ran upstairs.

What was in her pants?

I ran upstairs to catch her but was only met with a closed door.

"Camila?" I asked.

A shaky voice made its way into my ears. "Please go away, I just need a minute."

"If you're masturbating, I can so fix that problem for you," I said, winking, even though she couldn't see it.

"Well I have a... bigger problem, that you, unfortunately, cannot fix. But thank you."

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