Camally (g!p Ally)

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This was requested by @keekee182 and there wasn't a ship so I picked my own 😌

Camila was a prep, Ally could tell as soon as the taller girl shoved a boy into a locker, a group of girls following behind her. Ally assumed they were her little cliché group of friends who echoed everything she said, but was quickly proven wrong as she whipped around and yelled at them to 'fuck off'.

She made eye contact with Ally shortly, her strut faltering for a split second, but quickly regaining its flawless tempo.

She passed the shorter girl who was frozen in her spot, staring at the taller girl. Students all filed into their designated classrooms as the bell rang out through the now empty hall, except for the flawless girl and... Ally herself.

Camila turned around, walking back to the small girl.

"You're new?" Camila questioned, resting her hand on her hip.

"Yes I am, I don't know where my class is, I thought it was down this hallway but then you shoved that boy into a locker and I stopped and watched, and now I'm probably late to my class and it's only my second day, and you're most likely gonna like torture me the rest of my year he-,"

"God, please shut up," Camila's hand fell from her hip.

Ally couldn't help but be turned on by the girls annoyed exterior.

"Oh my god, what's in your pants?" Camila said, looking down.

Blood rushed to Ally's face, and she quickly turned into a stuttering mess. "I think I remember where my class is! I better go before I'm too late!"

Ally quickly ran down the hall and slipped into the bathroom and into a stall.

She looked down and sure enough, she had a boner, the bulge becoming uncomfortable to the small Latina. She sighed and walked out of the small stall and to the sink. She gasped, seeing Camila in the reflection of he mirror above the sink.

She was inspecting her nails when Ally turned around. "You have a dick?"

Ally winced at the choice of words. "Y- yes."

It was silent between the two before Ally ran her hand through her hair frustratedly.

"And now I have to go home again, and tell my mom that I'm going to get bullied again at this school, just like all the others, just because I have a fucking penis!" Ally slammed her fist into the wall of the bathroom. "And of course, you're like the queen of the school, and so that shits gonna spread fast, and I'm gonna go from a 'nobody' to, 'the girl with a dick'."

Camila watched the small girl rant on and on, a smirk cursing her features.

Ally didn't notice the taller girl step up in front of her until she looked up, seeing the taller girl looking in between her legs. Ally went to cover herself but her hands were swatted away by the taller girl who grabbed the bulge in her hand.

"For such a small girl, you sure are very big," Camila stated, unzipping the girls pants, revealing black boxers.

Ally shuddered under the girls touch, grabbing her wrist firmly. "Go away."

"Aw, but why? You've got a little company and I don't think it's going away anytime soon," Camila stated, dropping to her knees in front of the older girl. "What's your name?"

"A- Ally."

"Ally, I think you're bigger than all of the boys that go to this school, I mean obviously not height-wise."

Ally blushed as Camila slid her boxers down, revealing her large member.

"Oh my," Camila smiled, letting Ally's appendage hit her cheek softly.

Camila traced her fingers up and down Ally's cock, causing it to twitch and veer upwards, smacking the girl in the chin.

Camila laughed and grabbed a hold of the member.

"Good God, just do something already," Ally whined, gripping Camila's shoulder.

Camila laughed at the shorter girls desperation.

She took the member into her mouth, and sucking on it harshly.

"Ohh my God," Ally moaned, tangling her fingers in Camila's hair.

As Camila's head bobbed up and down, Ally began to thrust into Camila's throat.

Ally came quickly, Camila swallowing her thick cum.

Camila stood up and smiled at Ally who was leaning against the sink out of breath. Camila smiled down at her and tilted her chin up, pressing her lips to hers.

"I want you to taste your own cum," Camila stated before going back and pressing her lips to Ally's, only this time her tongue slid into the small girls mouth, causing both girls to moan.

"Camila, I-"

Camila slid onto the sink, giving Ally a full view up her skirt.

"See how wet I am? That's all for you," Camila growled pulling Ally between her legs. "Now fuck me."

Ally quickly slid Camila's wet panties to the side, and slamming her member into the younger girl.

"Oh my god, you feel so good," Camila gripped Ally's hips, making sure she got all of Ally she could get.

Ally pumped into the girl relentlessly, not slowing down at all.

"Ally, I think - I," Camila was now the one stuttering and Ally smiled.

"Come," Ally instructed, keeping up her pace.

Camila moaned loudly, her walls clamping down onto Ally's cock making it impossible for the older girl to thrust anymore.

"How would you - I," Camila stuttered. "I don't have any friends... If you want to-"

"As long as I get to do this everyday I'm fine," Ally replied quickly.

Camila smiled, "Several times a day, everyday."

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