Sweetie bear..?

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(Ever since i got a gf i had forgotten my books, she just reminded me of it so yall better praise her)


I managed to lure the boys into the trap i made. It took a hell lot of time to set it up. But Atleast i did it. I turned around and walked to where i was supposed to go to. I opened the room and saw how bobby was tied to the chair, just like i tied her up when picky hit her on the head. She was awake this this time. "Morning. Sweetie." I mumbled and stepped closer. I tied her mouth shut with tape so she couldn't scream. I could hear her try to talk but it came out muffled. "Hush. Now.." i saw and put my hand on her mouth. "Its. Not. Worth. Trying. To. Talk.. the. Others. Are. Safe... until. Picky. Gets. Hungry," i said. She was already hungry and i guess kickin was a bit damaged since we thought it was better to kinda 'unsharpened' his beak so he couldn't cut the ropes with it. "Now. Sweetie.. how. Are. You. My. love?" I asked. I had pretty strong feelings towards her. Very strong. I noticed she nodded. I guess it was a good sign. "Well. You. must. have. tons. of. questions." I mumbled. "And. Ill. Answer. Some. Of. Them." I said right after. I took the tape of her mouth and covered it quickly "dont. try. To. Scream." She nodded. I took my hand off her mouth and sat on the bed beside her and moved the chair so we could see each other.

"Why are you doing all of this?" She asked. Of course, the basic old question. "Im. Tired. Of. Being. A. Outcast.. so. Me. And. Picky. Decided. To. Team. Up. And. Take. You. All. Down.. except. You." I answered honestly. She raised a eyebrow. "Except me? Why are you just sparing me? The others are your friends!" "What. Do. You. Think? They. Locked. Us. Up.. but. You.. you. Wanted. To help. Me.. you. Can. Join. us! We'll. Be. The. Perfect. Couple.." i said and caressed her cheek. Causing her to blush. "Uhh.. i.. uhm.. uh huh?" She said, unsure how to answer. "How did you manage to uh.. get out and team with picky?" "I. Broke. The. Lock." I answered. She nodded. "So.. what are you planning to do with the others..?" She mumbled. I smiled wider, more creepily to let her know im serious. "Eat. them. Or.. ill. use. there. skin. and. blood. for. paint. and. crafts.." bobby's eyes widen in shock. "WHAT?! You cant do that to our friends! Please! Take me instead of them!" She yelled. I stared at her eyes. "No.. but. if. you. dont. want. to. be. eaten. or. be. turned. into crafts, you. can. choose. Either. be. eaten/crafted. with, or. join. us.. Ill. give. you. some. time. to. think." I said. She looked down to the floor and thought."Will i see the others if i join you?" She asked. I nodded. "Yes." I answered. She thought more before nodding. "Ill join you."


I looked at the boys who was tied up in there room through the old cameras. I felt so hungry. I could turn kickin into kickin nuggets, and maybe turn catnap into roast beef.. i felt that hungry. It felt like i didn't eat for days, and the thing is, i just finished eating hoppy. She tasted just like rabbit legs. Quite delicious. I was already planning how to skin them, cook them and eat them. I heard the door open and i looked back, "Bobby. Joined." Crafty said and stepped in with bobby beside her. "Oh really? Damn. I was hoping to cook her up." I answered, i wasn't interested in romance or friends. Never was. It felt disgusting. I did make a exception for crafty since shes on the same page as me. Crafty hit me in the head "suck it, loser. Plus. If bobby didnt join, I would make a statue out of her anyways." She said and looked to the cameras. Bobby just stood by the door. I grabbed bobbys arm and pulled her towards the desk. "Well welcome, bob." I said. She looked to the cameras and saw how the boys were tied up and kickins beak being damaged. I could definitely notice how she was doing her best to act calm and unbothered. I started to have a weird feeling about her too.

"Craft, can we talk outside the room?" I asked. She nodded and me and her walked out. "Are you sure she is actually joining us?" I asked. Crafty just laughed. "Of. course! She. Doesnt. Lie. And. You. See. How. Calm. And. Unbothered. She. Is. When. She. Sees. Them?" "I do. But its clear shes faking it. What if she joined just to save them and harm us?" I asked. Crafty thought for a bit. "Im. Sure. She. Wont." She answered and put a arm around my shoulders. "Plus.if. She. Did.. well. We. Both. Knows. The. Consequences." She said and pushed me back into the security room. We walked up to the desk where bobby still watched them. "Soo hows it in the group?" I asked. She just stayed silent. "I said how is it in the group?" I said but louder, bobby shook her head and went back to reality. "Oh uh, its good." She answered. I stared at her suspiciously and she stared back at me nervously. I shrugged my shoulders and looked at the boys and started to think about how delicious they would be again...Mmm kfc... suddenly I remembered something. "Oh crafty! I forgot to clean up in room 2. Some help might be appreciated!" Crafty nodded. Me, crafty and bobby went to the room to clean up..

(Yall should try write like "hello. My. Name. Is. Crafty." Its so annoying whenever i have to write craftys talking. Also a funfact. Norway doesn't have kfc so i never had it in my life. Cool...)

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