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I do not own RWBY or Final Fantasy
Y/N = your name
L/N = your last name

Beneath the broken moon, A guy in a suit and bowler hat was seen walking up to a dust shop called Dust Till Dawn. When he entered inside with his henchmen behind him, he ashes his cigarette on the counter looking at the cashier.

"Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a dust shop open this late?" The man asks the cashier in a threatening manner. The cashier puts his hands up in fear "P-please just take my lien and leave!" The cashier spoke. The man shushes the cashier "Calm down, we don't want your money," He says. The man in charge known as Roman Torchwick looked to his men.

"Grab the dust," he says with a snarl. The men do what they are told. They start grabbing dust in canisters and other stuff as one of the men notice two people in the back of the shop on opposite sides. The man approaches the girl in the red hood who was reading a weapon magazine.

"You. Put your hands up, now..," He says as he stares at her but he's being ignored by the girl. He then taps her shoulder, making her turn around motioning to her headphones then takes them off "Yes?" She asks before the grunt threatens her. "Hands in the air, or else..," He says to her as he began to look irritated. The girl lowers her gaze, putting her magazine down. "Are you robbing me?" She asks with a small grin on her face. The grunt annoyed with being ignored speaks up "Yes!" This caught the boy's attention, he approached the grunt before the girl kicked him through the window. She followed him out.

The boy hit one of the grunts through the window with a fireball, a silver sword was seen on his back while he stood on top of the grunt he just beat. The girl folds out her weapon into a red scythe when the boy draws his sword.

Before Roman took notice of this and decides to let his men fight back. "Men! Get them!" He yelled out as the group began to run towards the duo. The grunts went to stop the pair as the two, despite not knowing one another, they fought off the grunts with fluid teamwork. The boy set his sword on fire and sent three flaming arcs at the grunts, taking them out at the same time.

The girl took out the last one although, when Roman leaves the shop, he is annoyed with the henchmen while crushing a cigarette. "You were worth every cent, you truly were..," He says as he looks at the boy. "Well red and pyro, this is where we part ways." He held up his cane, the bottom flipping up to reveal a crosshair.

He shot at the girl. Before he could hurt her, the boy jumped in front of her and had his sword to block the shot but then Roman was suddenly gone. The pair looks to a nearby building to see Roman climbing up the latter before the boy looks to the shopkeeper. He turns to see Roman still escaping "Will you be alright if we go after him?" He asks as he held his hands out to help the shopkeeper up. The shopkeeper nods for their approval. The boy put the shopkeeper on a chair carefully before leaving.

The pair follows him. The girl used her scythe which also has a gun built into it. She uses the recoil of her shot to throw herself up the building. The boy jumps up then once more, setting himself on fire then shoots upwards like a flaming bullet. He lands next to the girl then the flames vanish all the while Roman clicks his tongue.

"Persistent...well red and pyro, this is the end of the line," he says before an airship rises up behind him. It shoots a dust crystal at the feet of the pair while he jumps into the airship. The dust settles and then a blonde woman with a riding crop is seemed to have shielded the pair with a purple magic circle.

She then starts to attack the ship with the materials broken from the explosion. The airship rocks from it. Roman makes his way to the cockpit as he said something to the driver. He switched places with her afterwards. The huntress and the girl started shooting at the woman in the airship while the boy held his hand near his chest in a fist. His hand soon caught fire as he threw a decent sized flame at the woman. To no avail, it was blocked along with everything else as the woman made the ground explode. The three people were able to get out of the way but they noticed the airship was gone. Suddenly, the girl dashed up to the huntress.

"OH MY GOD, YOU'RE A HUNTRESS!! CAN I GET YOUR AUTOGRAPH!?" She asked frantically. The camera cuts to show the girl now sad with the boy and her in an office as the huntress walks back and forth lecturing the two. "I hope you know you two put yourselves and others in great danger tonight!" The woman said in an angry tone. The girl tried to argue back. "They started it!!" She defended. The huntress started to talk again. "If it was up to me, you would be sent home with a pat on the back...AND A SLAP ON THE WRIST!" As she yelled out the last part, she slammed the riding crop on the table, making the younger girl yelp. The boy just flinched. She had told them that someone wanted to meet them.

Soon, an older man with white hair, a green suit, spectacles, and a cane walked in with cookies. He set them down in front of the two. The girl started wolfing down the cookies then, the man started to talk. "Ruby have silver eyes..." He said. The girl now known as Ruby was awkwardly looking at him. "Umm...." she let out. Then he turned to the boy "And you (Y/N) (L/N) is it that you can use flames without dust?" He asks. Before (Y/N) could speak, the man continued talking. "As far as your weapon, there are no dust slots and the way you use the's very..," He begins to say. "Never mind that, where did you two learn to fight like this?" He asked, looking at the pair.

He showed them a recording of the two fighting the men earlier as he continued to speak. "I've only seen one man with scythe skills like that..a dusty old crow," He says as he looks at Ruby. Ruby started to speak with her mouth full of cookies "dush muh unkl!" She said. The man looked at her, confused on what she said. She swallowed the cookies then spoke. "Sorry! That's my uncle Qrow, he teaches at signal academy. I was utter trash before he took me under his wing now, I'm all like hiya! Wocha!" She made karate movements when she spoke as the man smiled.

"So I see. What is a girl like you doing at a school to train worriers?" The man asked. Ruby started to talk about why she was going to school to be a huntress. "Well my mom and dad always taught us to help people so I thought, why not make a career out of it? Police officers and law officials are cool and all..but hunters and huntresses are just so..kyaaa! You know?!" She exclaimed with excitement.

"I got two more years at Signal and I'm going to go to Beacon! My sister starts this year," she finished. The man then turned to (Y/N), seeing his reasoning "And you Mr. (L/N)?" The boy then started to explain himself. "Well, I'm self-trained. My village fell when a beast of flames suddenly appeared and turned it to ash..killing all but me. I had to find a way to protect myself from the Grimm. I've had my flames from my semblance for a while now, that's why I don't use dust," (Y/N) explained.

"I've been practicing for beacon so I can get in and find that beast that destroyed my village," he said. (Y/N) soon looked angry and guilty. The man soon began smiled and looked at the pair.

He asked, "Do you two know who I am?" The pair then responded in union, "You're professor Ozpin, headmaster of beacon." Ozpin smiled as he folded his hands, looking at the two. "Do you two want to come to my school?" The pair spoke together one more time with determination. "More than anything!" They said in union. Ozpin looked at his assistant who rolled her eyes as he turned back to the kids.

"Well then, we welcome you two, at the academy," he says with a smile. __________________________________

That's the end of this chapter if you have played Final Fantasy XVI then you know who was the beast if not let's leave that as a secret shall we?


Death_dragon380 out

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