Face the truth (Y/N) awakens

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As Dante transformed into the Phoenix, all (Y/N) could do was stare in awe. Dante, being the dominant of the phoenix, swooped down and grabbed (Y/N) in his talons, flying to Beacon since everyone had already left. (Y/N) had his ears covered as he rode in the talons of the phoenix, leaving a trail of embers that simmered out as they fell from each flap of the phoenix's wings. They eventually reached Beacon, and Dante returned to his human form, both him and (Y/N) sticking the landing as they spoke in unison "nailed it". As they looked around, they saw everyone staring at them, and the pair sweat drops and heard a pair of footsteps. Two familiar voices yell " (Y/N)!" "DANTE!" as the pair sees Ruby and Weiss walking towards them. The pair immediately starts sweating bullets, and the girls grab the boys by their ears, dragging them to the Team RWBY dorm as the boys are yelling "OW" the whole time.

Once the door shuts, the boys are sitting on the floor on their knees as Team RWBY are looking at them with pissed expressions. "First, the two of you just up and disappear then come flying into Beacon on a giant flaming bird!" Weiss then turns to Dante "And you! Since when could you turn into a flaming bird?" (Y/N) and Dante looks at the ground then Dante looks up to answer Weiss, "Since about 5 minutes ago. Turns out I'm the dominant of the phoenix from the legends." Weiss and Ruby stare at Dante like he's stupid while Blake rolls her eyes, then looks to (Y/N) "What's your excuse?" (Y/N) tried to defend his case "I was with him, but listen, it's true! Let us get the book from the library!" (Y/N) bargained "I don't think there is a need for that. I had my suspicions about the two of you... but the question is why didn't you prime as you did back then, Mr. (L/N)?" The six turn around to see Professor Ozpin "What do you mean like back then?" Everyone but (Y/N) asks as he claws the floor "That wasn't me! Now I know that some icon of flames did that!" (Y/N) said "So then why haven't you found said icon?" Ozpin said, making (Y/N) shrink back "I-....my trail went cold. That's why I'm here." Ozpin took a sip of his mug and walked off. A couple of days passed as Team RWBY said something about going down to Vale for something as (Y/N) and Dante stayed behind looking up what they could about the dominant of Phoenix. The book now reads "Current Dominant: Dante Silver," but the other dominant's name remains blurred. They spend a while talking about it. "So how does it feel when you turn into the phoenix?" Dante thinks about it "Feels like I'm myself but I'm not at the same time." (Y/N) gives a dumbfounded look "Fucking what?" Dante shrugs as (Y/N) suggests fighting some Grimm to see how strong Dante's powers of the Phoenix are.

Later in the day, (Y/N) is seen riding on the back of the Phoenix as the Phoenix speaks "Should this be a good spot? We are right above the Emerald Forest." (Y/N) responds by jumping off into the forest and focusing his negative emotions, hauling ass to a clearing with at least 100 Ursa Majors chasing him. "LET HER RIP!!" The Phoenix flaps his wings, sending countless fireballs raining down on the Ursa. Then, before the smoke clears, the Phoenix fires a beam of fire from his beak, stopping the smoke from clearing, and revealing nothing but a scorched spot where the fire beam hit. No Grimm remained. (Y/N) held a thumbs up to Dante as the boys trained in the Emerald Forest for the weekend, both of them improving greatly. Dante even unlocked a new ability called semi-prime, giving him the abilities of the phoenix, but he remains in his human form. (Y/N) found new ways to use his flames and abilities he already had.

A few days later, the boys decided to walk back to Vale after more training getting Dante used to his prime and semi-prime. As they return, they run into Weiss, Yang, and Ruby looking for Blake. "Uuuh hey, girls? Did something happen to Blake?" Dante asked. The girls went on to explain Weiss and Blake got into an argument, and Blake revealed she was a Faunus and was part of the White Fang. As the boys started to help them look, then a girl whom Ruby introduced as Penny appeared, talking to (Y/N) and Ruby. When Ruby and (Y/N) looked back, the others were gone, leaving Ruby and (Y/N) with Penny. "Asses," he said. "Language!" Ruby scolded. Suddenly, there was a huge explosion in the direction of the docks, and Ruby, (Y/N), and Penny ran towards it, seeing Roman, the White Fang, and a massive mech towering over everything. (Y/N) ran into action to fight them off; he did well until Ruby was hurt, and he ran to her "RUBY!!" He caught her as she said she was fine, and he set her down as Roman activated the giant mech. It slammed its fist down on (Y/N), sending him flying into a warehouse as it grabbed him in its grip, squeezing him tighter and tighter. His aura started to crackle and then shatter as it broke, leaving him defenseless Penny threw her swords and stuff at the mech but it did little to nothing. At this moment, Roman and the White Fang escaped, and Penny was sent flying away as Dante, Weiss, and Yang appeared. Blake was weakened, As the blonde guy was with Dante, he tried to prime but was too tired from the training. The flames swirled for him to prime but then died out as (Y/n) was screaming out in pain. The mech was crushing him, and Yang and Weiss ran at the mech, slashing and firing shots and dust rounds at the mech. But it did little to no damage to it as it continued to squeeze him as he struggled in its grasp. That's when something odd happened; everything went quiet as his sword fell to the ground below and he went limp. Everyone thought the worst, but then the air started to get hot, and (Y/n) struggled with all his might.

"I'm not going to fall here, and I'm not..." he yelled at the top of his lungs. "GOING TO LET YOU STAND IN MY WAY!!!!!"

The air went still, and all sound in the area went silent as energy swirled around (Y/n). His eyes turned an amber color as a voice spoke in his head, "Awaken child of fate," the voice echoed. "Awaken....Ifrit."

Energy bursts from (Y/n) as he floats in the air. The mech's grip is blown off of (Y/n) as he erupts in a pillar of flames as Dante did back then. In his place stood a beast of flames; a long tail, claws, magmatic skin, and flames decorated its body. Two backward-facing horns with flames between them flared, sharp teeth in its maw, and orange eyes glared at the mech as  The ground shook as Ifrit let out a deafening roar and charged towards the mech, grabbing it and slamming it into the ground. The mech fought back, firing countless rockets into Ifrit's chest, forcing the beast to release its hold. Seizing the opportunity, the mech manifested a blade of energy and sliced off Ifrit's right arm. But the beast was not deterred. It quickly regenerated its arm, and with a mighty roar, grabbed the mech again. The heat emanating from Ifrit was so intense that the area was starting to get too hot to handle. Dante quickly gathered everyone behind him and created a barrier to protect them.

As Ifrit roared again, a massive fiery explosion engulfed the mech, leaving nothing behind. The beast then turned its attention to the surroundings, destroying everything in its path. Dante desperately called out to (Y/n), trying to get his attention. "STOP THIS!!! CONTROL IT (Y/n)!!"

The situation was dire, and Dante knew he had to act quickly. He gathered all his energy and shouted, "PHOENIX!!!" The Phoenix screeched loudly, gaining Ifrit's attention. As the beast lunged towards the Phoenix, the ground shook once again, and the battle between these two mighty creatures began.

               IFRIT VS PHOENIX

With a fierce cry, Phoenix digs its talons into Ifrit and lifts him up. "Snap out of it, (Y/n)!" Phoenix says, trying to break the hold Ifrit has on (Y/n).

Phoenix takes off into the sky, carrying Ifrit with it. They fly high above the emerald forest, and Phoenix slams Ifrit into the ground with all its might. The impact creates a massive crater, and Ifrit roars out in pain.

But Ifrit is not defeated yet. He grabs onto Phoenix and slams him into the ground, breaking the ancient ruins beneath them. As they fall, Ifrit lunges at Phoenix, who launches countless fireballs at him.

Ifrit claws at the walls, slowing their descent, while Phoenix continues to attack him. Eventually, they land in an open area, and Ifrit prepares to unleash his ultimate attack, "hellfire."

Phoenix fires one last barrage of fireballs, but it's not enough to stop Ifrit. He jumps up and creates a massive fireball, which he slams into Phoenix, greatly hurting him.

But Phoenix is not done yet. With its ability, "flames of rebirth," Phoenix recovers completely. "My flames, my flicker," Phoenix says, "but they will never die!" And with that, it sets its entire body on fire and slams into Ifrit.

The force of the impact sends them crashing through the ceiling, back into the emerald forest. Phoenix slams Ifrit into the ground, creating another massive crater. And then, suddenly, Ifrit transforms back into (Y/n).

Dante reverts to his human form and lands next to (Y/n), who is out cold. Dante has defeated ifrit


Welp that's the end of this chapter not quite as long as the last chapter's word count was 1731
The beast that you have been searching for was you all along tough shit

Death_dragon380 out

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