part 3

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Toby's p.o.v. She was so quite and calm and she was cross stitching the proxy X and O into one. She said nothing and has soft smile on her face and as for slenders dad he was sitting there watching T.V and ben sat next to me watching slenders mother stitching. "So miss can you speak on of these days?" said ban and i slapped the back of his head and she looked at us "win is slender gonna be here?" asked her in a really soft voice and she looked right at me "o-oh w-well h-he's busy a-at the t-time" she nods "just like slender he is always to busy for us" she shakes her head and go's back to doing what she's doing and ben got up and left the room,he really didn't like how quite it was. As soon as ben left she looked at me "so kate is dating masky now?" my heart dropped "i-i h-had no i-idea,m-masky w-wed t-tell me s-stuff l-like that", "well kate told him about your feelings for him and she tossed herself onto him like the whore she is, isn't that right hun!" slenders dad nods and says "yup,whore" i shake my head no "i-i d-don't h-have f-feelings f-for h-him". She laughs and put her stuff aside "dear your lying and one day it will slip and you will spill the beans on your love for him" i sigh and get up "she's right and you mite want to tell him befor its to late" said the dad and i walk away. I lay on my bed and i toss and turn in my bed and the heavy rain was not helping with my bad dream and soon my eyes shot open and i sat up fast "toby what's wrong?" asked ben as he hugged me "j-just a-a bad d-dream" i say and lay back down on the bed and ben softly kisses my neck, i push him off of me and he huffs "my gosh man what is wrong with you toby?!" he yells "i-i'm n-not in t-the m-mood" ben sighs and soon falls asleep cuddled up to me and my arm around him and my other up in the air with my hand reasting on my head as i run my fingers through my hair thinking. Man this is wrong i'm thinking about masky with my boyfriend in my arms,its not cheating only if i really cheat on him. But i wed never cheat on ben i wed at the lest brake up with him first and then run away with masky. I don't need anyone else to tell me anymore,there all right i do like masky and i love letting my mind swm with thoughts about him and love win somtimes he hugs me and love the bright blue eyes he's got. I need to brake up with ben badly i'm sorry to say but i really don't love him all that much,i guess i got love mixed up with friend.... . "*sighs*" i put check marks down and i look up from my cip board to the too across from me and see them kissing and cuddling,and to tell the truth it makes me sick. "M-MASKY G-GET O-OVER H-HERE!" i yell and masky puts his head down and sighs and gets up leaving kate there,bitch. "Yes toby what is it?", "y-you h-have a-a j-job to d-do!" he looked a bit hurt by me yelling and nods,i sigh "s-sorry" i hug him and he hugs back and i look over him and see kate mad as hell,good. I can see the look in his eyes its like i can read his mind it looks like he's fighting with himself over on me or kate,i'll tell you this i really like the odds on kate,she's not really wining unlike me. So i'm stepping up my game!. Wait,wait!. What if masky really loves her and i fuck that all up!?, i mean i mite hurt 3 people all because i was thinking about myself. I'm gonna hurt ben by braking up with him, i'm gonna hurt kate by taking masky away and i'm gonna hurt masky by taking him away from the one he probably loves. But even in all of this i still need to dump ben because its not fare to him win i tippy-toe around him never really telling the truth or even truly mean i love you win i say it. I sigh and knock on his door and he opens it "hi toby", "h-hay b-ben,l-look there i-i-is s-something i-i got to t-t-tell you" my ticks got worse and i had a fuck of a time trying to speak "Yes what is it toby?" he smiles and every thing inside me ran cold and my ticks stopped and even the way i talk and i say "i'm braking up with you" his smile faded.

"But we can still be friends" i walk away.

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