part 23

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Toby's p.o.v. I wake up and yawn, i fell arms wrapped around my waist and a worm body pressed on mine, i turned my head and my eyes widen and i blushed, masky. Masky wakes up and he kisses me then pulls away "morning toby, we need to talk".

I sit as i was face to face with the thing that fucked up my life and killed lyra in the car crash all the years ago "so....i know we have gotton off on the wrong foot, but after a long ass beaten and then getting beaten up by slender, i have made up my mind, i'm gonna have to leave" i cross my arms "y-you g-got m-my k-kid almost rapped" i growl out and the thing sighs "yah...i'm sorry about that" the thing gets out of its chair and masky stops the thing "and is there somthing you want to say to me?" the thing nods "sorry about....almost killing you and alost rapping kate" masky lets the thing go and it walks outside. Masky hugs me tightly and jim hugs maskys legs. Kate walks in and brakes up are hug "guess what toby, i'm pregnant, so you can stop bitching about the time i lied" she walks out of the room and are jaws drop "WHAT?!". I run out of the room and after kate "y-your p-p-pregnant?!" she crosses her arms "yah, why what's wrong with that?" i smile widely and hug her tightly "I-i'm s-s-so h-happy f-for you!" kate pushes me away "well you wont be after you find out who the dad is".

My face went even more pail, my blood ran cold, i think my heart stopped for a minute "there brians kids".

Tim was steaming pissed off, steam went out his ears and nose after i told him, kate just sat there on tims bed not really knowing what to say, that was until tim looked at her "how. How did this happen?" kate looks at him "it was about maybe 2 or one years ago" tim sighs "kate it only takes 9 months to have a baby, not 2 years or even one" she nods "well hoodie died to soon before i even got pregnant because after we killed him i fucked him, so win i found out i was pregnant i knew hoodie was alive again" we didn't say anything yet "so your telling me that, if hoodies dead then his seed is dead inside you?, then win he's alive then his baby's are alive again?!" kate nods and holds up a hand book "Just read the hand books timmy~" masky growls "shut up" . Masky and i lay in bed looking up, not really wanting to face each other we stay quiet. That was until he spoke up "toby" i say nothing back and he takes that as a keep talking "i want to bite the bullet" my eyes widen and i look at him, he has such a cold look in his eyes "w-why?" i ask but i already know why. I look back up "i-i u-understand, b-but y-you have a-a-a r-r-responsibility" he sighs "i'm to sad to care right now, i just want a gun to end it all" i frown "y-you know i-i w-wed d-do the same i-if i-i had the chance" masky makes me look at him "then we can, we can go out into the woods and end all of this!" i shake my head no "w-we c-can't" he sighs and lays back down. We fall asleep.

"Toby......toby.....TOBY!" my eyes shot open and i growl "w-what..?" masky sounds really fucking scared "toby, lana done and goofed" i roll my eyes "w-what d-did s-she do?" i say really annoyed, just then i smelt smoke coming from under the door "SHE SET THE HOUSE ON FIRE!" i jump out of bed and i grab my cloths and backpake, masky did the same thing and we didn't even get dressed yet. I run out of the room and see the hallway, it was engulfed in flames, i ran the other way and swing open the door to jims room, he was sound asleep, not even a worry in the world for him. I pick up sum of his stuff and under his pillow is a gun, my eyes widen and i just toss the gun into my bag and by then jim had already woke up, i pick him up and i meet masky in the hallway and i see past the flames: the other's were running for there lives downstairs and outside. Masky had grabbed 2 blankets and he used it as shield of sum type and ran into the fire dragging me and jim along with him. We made it out of the hallway and ran downstairs, i look back into the living room and it was way to late to save anything, the roof was caving in and we all made it outside. We watched in horror as are house caves in on itself. "Where are we gonna live now?" says a heart broken masky. The other's had there stuff and cloths in there hands as they watch the fire and even sum cried and we wornt even all dressed, we were all in are boxers or bras, i look and saw lana "i-i'm s-so s-sorry" she cried out and we say nothing.

(ok, so maybe page 22 got a little dark, you know win tod was touching him....sorry about that)

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