part 7

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Time skip 2 weeks. We all stand around the door way and kate packed her stuff in a backpake and puts it on "dear kate do you know why you must leave?" asked slender and she nod's "yes,i am a old proxy" there were no more words that needed to be spoken and she walked away into the woods. We were about to go back inside but slender spoke again "proxies. Hunt" are eyes widen "S-slender no!" i yell and he looks at me "she knows everything about the proxyhood and us,we can't trust her. So find and kill her". Slender was right we can't trust her but we still new killing her was wrong,but we still work for him so we must. Kate's p.o.v. I ran as soon as they didn't see me after i wen't into the woods and kept on running,and it was just then i hear heavy footsteps running after me. I new it!,i new slender was gonna kill me everyone was right,but i don't want to die and i don't have to. I am the first proxy so i know more about speed and fighting then they do,slender under trains then to much and he is gonna see how sending them after me is such a bad idea. I make a sharp right and hide behing a tree, all 3 of them pass me toby,masky,hoodie, they didn't even see me and i grab hoodie and slam him into the tree. He tries to yell for the other's. Toby's p.o.v. "We lost her!!!" yelled masky and i see hoodie being grabbed. I grab his hand and we run over to the tree i saw hoodie an kate at but win we got there it was to late,way to late. Kate ran off and masky wen't after her,i walk to hoodie's side and hold his hand and take off his mask. His neck was cut open and he was losing blood fast and his body jurked and twiched as he choked and gaged on his own blood "H-h...h-h-hel" he was trying to say 'help' and i sigh "its ok brian" i take his gun out of his hand he was gonna use on kate and put my fingger on the trigger,he shakes his head no as best he can "it will be all ok" i kiss his head and just after i pull the trigger and he was now dead. Even dead he still looked hot and seeing him in that black and white suit made my heart melt. Masky put the lid of the coffin on and we lowered him into the pit and masky covered it with dirt,hoodie's grave was right next to sally's and we all go inside. Masky and jeff were the only one's who didn't go in yet for sum odd reason why was jeff there?. Masky's p.o.v. I cry over hoodie's grave, i really wish toby was here to hug me but i broke up with him "hay its ok masky,i bet he's with sally" jeff pats my back and hugs me as i weep. Toby's p.o.v. And here i am again,watching masky kissing someone else,this time jeff and i wanted to push them apart "hay man" said ben and i look at him "w-what?" he takes out a bag of weed "i think you know what i'm gonna ask" i smile and we get high out back of the house and eat hoodie's cheesecake he left for masky after he died. We laugh and i eat sum more and ben drinks sum pop "h-hay m-man you w-want sum f-food?" i ask and hold out sum cheesecake for him to take "n-no thanks i don't want to die if masky finds us eating taht", "m-masky i-is s-so not g-gonna know,h-he's t-to b-busy sucking face w-with j-jeff". Ben laughs his ass off "w-what i-is i-it?" ben points at smile dog who is just sitting and for no reason i started to laugh. Keep in mind were really high right now so anything is funny to us. And like a bat out of hell masky swings open the door and it hit ben and ben fell face first on the ground and i laugh louder and harder then befor,ben sits up and laughs along. Smile dog gets up and walks away "you guys are asses" said smile and we keep up laughing "what are you too high?!" yelled masky win he saw the cheesecake he wen't full bitch on us. We were both sitting in the kitchen and slender with masky were both yelling at me and ben about us getting high,and here's the thing we are still high!. It felt like that seen from that 70's show where him and his friends got in trouble for getting high (if anyone gets what i'm talking about you get a cookie : 3) ,it was just like that. We wen't to are rooms and i look out the window to see jeff talking to sally's grave, i shrug it off and go to sleep.

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