Chapter One

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—First Person POV.—


All living beings are made of it—it's the one thing all creatures have in common and actively need to survive.

Throughout the expanse of forests are spots where we come to replenish, where light dances upon the water's surface and grass flourishes in its embrace.

Here, amidst the verdant growth and rippling currents, its depths are a new realm—a link where serenity meets mystery.

A place of life.

When you dip beneath its surface and take a moment to glance up—the boundaries between earth and sky seem to blur as shades begin to mix.

Color, the world is full of it.

It takes up all of your sight from the very moment you're able to open your eyes.

The sun has the ability to illuminate any pigment for the gaze to take in, to appreciate through our born privileges—that being said, these rays also have the power to create warmth.

And that's the very heat I was happily basking in at the moment.

Lying along one of the many rocks that had been built up within the terrain, my eyes are squinted shut to avoid that very shine from hurting my sight.

The fresh Springs heat kisses my scales as the gentle trickle from the lakes distantly conjoined waterfall brushes over my ears.

It's something my near-sleeping brain can process right beside the harmonious singing of birds scattered throughout the thick forests.

My surroundings are otherwise quiet—peaceful with the light pitter-patter of my fins tracing the surface of water below, tail hanging halfway off of the smoothed boulder I had randomly deemed my napping spot.

Sun-bathing was probably one of my favorite things to do on such humid days, when there is no more work needed to be done around my home and the night before had blessed me with rain.

There's that lovely smell of petrichor dancing along my senses—lulling my exhausted brain.

The rays warm up the damp surface, removing water from my scales when I hoisted myself up and my tail cranes upwards for a moment—flicking some stray droplets onto my back.

The fins on either side of my hips had flattened against the hot land and with my heliophilia overtaking my body, it actually almost feels like I'm melting into the surface.

When a gust of wing trails over my back—it sends a shiver throughout my body and causes my quills to shoot up along my spine, now having my serenity chased away with the silent attack.

A grumble falls from my lips as I prop myself up on my elbows, brows furrowed and gaze flickering upwards to finally take notice of the first hints of purples mixing into the horizon.

I didn't think I had been asleep for that long, but the setting sun and chilly air said otherwise.

With my movement, the icky feeling of my skin being dry had grown more prominent as it stretches uncomfortably—texture growing chapped the more I stayed out in the wind now.

A grumble escapes my throat and I crane my body to the side, ever so slowly sliding off of the boulder.

My fingertips are the first to meet the surface as I reach out, the contact creating rings of ripples that morph the reflection presented and grow into a splash as my head breaks through the water.

The pond envelopes my body, moistening my scales and hair as I dip down—flapping my tail and launching myself deep into its depths.

Soft kelp gazes my under-belly as I meet the bottom, eyes blinking to adjust to the water once more and with the rippling blur of a large willow tree coming up ahead, I shift to the side to duck into the tunnel far beneath its leaves.

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