Chapter Fourteen

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—First Person POV

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—First Person POV.—

The next week follows the same schedule.

During the day I'm tending to my home with Aizawa nearby, and as nightfall hits—I do a little check up on his Gryphon.

In the same notion, he's been sure to do his own separate examinations on my quills, idly answering any questions presented and further inspecting my fins or scales while he's at it.

Which, as long as I was busy chattering away, I didn't pay too much mind to the extra scrutiny. Plus, being flipped around in shallow water was actually a little fun.

Though, today had decided to take on a different turn when thunder drawled from the darkened clouds overhead—soon being followed by a heavy shower of rain.

The slight pick up in the wind brushed its gentle touches along my body, letting the air grow seemingly more humid than before.

And now, I was stretched out on my favorite boulder, feeling the smooth surface against my underbelly while the rain sent tiny bursts of coolness against my back—easily contrasting from the heat.

I closed my eyes, letting the rhythm of the surrounding pitter-patter and the distant growl of thunder soothe my ears.

Feeling the water trickling down my backside and traveling to culminate at my fins edges—I flicked my tail, sending a spray of droplets into the air before dropping my lower body to hang limply off the side once more.

I've been here for a bit now, drawing in a heavy sigh and arching my back—creating a few pops along my spine before flopping back down.

Each drop of water was a cool, delightful kiss, and I was relishing in the sensation—body practically melting into the rock to let the rain continue its gentle assault on my skin.

This peace was only broken when I catch a flicker of movement off to the side and near the tree line—making me peak my eye open to glance through the curtain of rain.

—Where a familiar dark-cloaked Aizawa was standing, his hood was up, but it offered little protection against the downpour.

He didn't bother moving with the wing of the large creature splayed out overhead—and embarking in his usual habit of simply watching me.

A mixture of amusement dances over my expression as I tilted my head a bit more to meet his eye.

From the constant glaze over my vision, I'm able to make out the dark hair already starting to cling to his forehead—the feathers above doing little in protecting him from the water.

He watched me with that same deadpanned look he always had, the kind that made it seem like he was both seeing right through to the heart of things and completely done with it all.

I think a part of me liked that about him—how he always came off as impassive but gave hints whenever he was interested in something, take his own personal examinations on me, for instance.

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