Chapter Two

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—Third Person POV.—

It was something in the way the head-strong boy had suddenly accepted the proposal that irked the man.

Something was off.

He just couldn't put his finger on it, until he caught a familiar traveler entering the Prince's room the following day.

With a short stroll past the door, their fight wasn't too audible unless you were really listening.

He would've had a talk with his students, but decided against it when a flurry of servants rushed past him into the room in search of their now-betrothed master.

That's why he had been loitering so close to the Prince's chambers on this very day.

Footsteps sound off behind him, continuing on their way down the hall and following the directions he had just gifted her.

Raising a hand to rub at his tired gaze, the man stalks down the corridor—passing by windows and letting his attention flicker to the outside world every few seconds.

Today was supposed to be a festive day, according to the raining flower petals and ceremonial chants flowing freely throughout the realm—yet, he had declined the offer to sit in on his students wedding.

During his brief fight with that stranger, she had drawn a blade that glinted in the sunlight—traditional hilt carved with intricate patterns and chips from its use beforehand.

His brain made the nuptials link immediately.

And after handing over the directions, he let the Hunter pass by.

Though, that one pending issue had been fixed—something in his nerves still didn't relax and that tense is only heightened the moment a flurry of explosions go off in the distance.

The sound was muffled by the corridors walls, but with a glance out into the world—a large crimson dragon could be seen emerging from a cloud of smoke and batting its wings in the distance, where the ceremony had been held.

Flames began to ignite the world below as its thunderous bellows shake the ground and a chorus of screams flutter from the crowds present.

Kicking open the window before him, the man drew in a sharp breath before a piercing whistle shoots through the air.

Fixing his free hand into his scarf and pulling up the hood of his fireproof cloak—a familiar screech calls out beneath the bridge between trees and the man jumps down from the sill.   

His free fall is cut short when the feathered beast twists out beneath him, stretching out its wings as his boots meet its back and he takes a few floating steps up to its shoulders.

Dropping down to straddle just above the wings, the gryphon chitters as it takes off through the thicket—slim body weaving through trees and causing his head to duck as a branch nearly clotheslines him.

Lowering his chest down to press against the creatures nape, his cloak flickers against the rushing wind and dark brows furrow, ready for a fight.

—First Person POV.—

Twisting through the warming waters, plants sectioned at the bottom of the pond graze over my scales and sway in turn with my passing movement.

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