Chapter Seven

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—First Person POV.—

A knife.

I blink, fixing my grasp on the hilt once more.

The object feels a lot lighter underwater, blade glinting gently against the ores lighting as I tilt my head—eyes idly running over the few chips in the sides from its past-use and inspecting the little weapon.

A few remora's float overhead, their shadows casting over the walls to my right and causing the little reflection from the knife to bounce against their scales.

The lighting was growing a bit dim nowadays but that usual glimmer still manages to hit every crook of the home.

It's a shimmering show of colors—plastering a smile onto my features as I ran a finger along the side, trailing up and applying subtle pressure to the pointed edge.

My actions elicit an immediate red dot on my fingertip that flows out into the water, pulling the attention of a few stray fish and causing them to rush at my hand—doting kisses trying to ease the tiny wound.

I snicker and wave my hand lightly, clearing the remora before pushing myself up from the mossbed.

I make sure to settle the knife into the softened wall—assuring its blade was covered and wouldn't possibly hurt any of the creatures that inhabit my burrow.

Trailing over to the tunnel, I send one last glance to the spot where the hilt is sticking out of the wall and make a mental note to bring a few ores up tomorrow to recharge them.

My body slides easily through the passage, tail lightly kicking up mud as I move and peak my head out into the ponds waters.

The willow tree paints the world before me in shadows—gently swaying with flickers of moonlight peaking through its leaves and glancing over my scales as I swim further into the lake.

I do a check up on the schools still hiding within the depths greenery before making my way up to the surface once more.

The nights air is surprisingly warm when I peak out, blinking away the glaze along my pupils and glancing through the foliage where a fire had already been set to chase away the darkness—simultaneously providing heat for the inhabitants around it.

I can make out the shape of his figure in its usual spot, nothing out of the ordinary so far.

Earlier in the day, he didn't seem too bothered by the missing weapon and continued on with his own tasks beneath the sun—leaving me to watch for a good while before heading back to where I kept the borrowed possession.

The fire is dimming from how late it had grown and I shift back down—collecting a cluster of Nasturtium officinale into my hands before coming back to the edge of the pond.

Setting the bunch off to the side, I move to carefully lift myself onto the softened grass and lightly bat my tail beneath the waters to further elevate myself out.

I'd need to wait a bit longer for the extra Alisma plantago-aquatica to grow so I can mash it into more anti-bacterial poultice, but for now, the Watercress should do the trick.

Pausing once my underbelly met the stable grounds, I turn slightly to raise the rest of my body out from the lake and water falls from my fins—creating light sounds of pitter-patter that's thankfully drowned out by splashes from the waterfall a good ways away.

Cradling the cluster of plants to my chest, the quiet shifting of my movement passes through the air as I make my way over to the bird-like creature.

I'm sneaking cautious glances at the man just across from it—and after deeming him still in a deep slumber, fire warms my quills as I turn away.

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