Chapter Ten

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I'm still having personal beef w Wattpads top picture thing smh

I'm still having personal beef w Wattpads top picture thing smh

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—First Person POV.—

I want to cry.

No, scratch that, I'm going to cry.

We're actively locked in a stalemate that I am so obviously losing at the moment. And despite the water surrounding us—freely soaking our figures, I can feel my eyes tremble with the unwarranted secretion.

Maybe it's because our struggling movements had ceased by now, giving him the ability to easily survey my expression with how close we are— But his eye inadvertently twitches at the sight.

I can feel a few tears actually trek down my cheeks, creating a light sting from the salt and only making my eyes water more.

There's a sniffle that registers in the air just as he pulls back slightly—still keeping a firm grip on my wrists "Are you really crying right now?"

His voice is brusque, cutting through the tense air like gravel underfoot—the tone had grown low in volume due to our close proximity, or maybe simply because he felt no need to raise it now?

The sound is slacken against my ears, still managing to carry a hint of disbelief.

"Just make it quick and at least make sure I'm seasoned well enough afterwords." I state, hating how the words slip out in an uneven chorus and allowing my eyes to squeeze shut—awaiting the hopefully fast ending blow.

Well, actually now that I think about it, it wouldn't be too swift with his weapon still down in the confines of my home..

"What." The statement is sharp, punctuated by a tone that slices through my anxious thoughts.

I can feel my spinal quills flattening against the roughen grounds, scratching and starting to sting just like before.

"Seasoned well enough?" He repeats, voice now tainted with a mix of incredulity at the request and causing my eyes to peak open—seeing sable brows furrowed down on me.

It's like he's trying to confirm my words; Alerting that he was, in fact, thinking about cooking me.

A feeling of adrenaline shoots through my body and I twist in a last ditch effort to possibly slip out of his grasp—much like a snake being held down by the head, my tail flicks about for any hope of release.

"Calm down—" I can feel his callouses digging in and contrasting harshly with the scales peppering my skin.

His eyes narrow with confusion or perhaps annoyance as we're struggling against one another once more—water splashing every which way and only coming to a stop when a weight is pressed onto my tail.

I have to crane my head slightly to look down, blinking through my blurred vision from the new batch of tears now presenting themselves.

Curse humans for having two legs.

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