Ch. 2 - Absence

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Smg4 liked how cold and windy it felt tonight as he stepped out of his newly built castle. When he stopped having his breakdown, which lasted a while, he felt he needed to get some fresh air to calm down and push away the urge to cry again. He didn't dress up to go out, so he went out with his sleepwear which was a simple thin T-shirt with light gray thin pants. He loved how the breeze never once stopped as it kept hitting him. It wasn't harsh blows of cold air but rather it was light and calming. He liked how his body said otherwise about liking the cold as he started getting goosebumps all over his arms and the sudden shivering here and there. He began to walk, but really didn't think of anywhere to go. He was so caught up on the cold that he just began walking away from the castle doors.

As he walked he shifted his gaze towards the night sky, and then towards his surroundings. What caught his eye happened to be Smg3's precious cafe. Then it all started to come back again, the constant same nightmare, the castle, the perfect video. Smg3. Fresh tears began to make their way out from his eyes, streaming down his cold face. He wrapped his arms around himself, clutching his shoulders with such a strong grip. He was pretty sure it would leave some marks but he didn't care. He made his way towards the dark forest surrounding his new homeland, away from the castle.

He kept walking straight, remembering every detail of the same nightmare that wouldn't leave him alone. Guilt rested in his stomach, weighed on his chest, and he couldn't help but hate himself every step he took into the dark forest. His legs had given out, and he let it all out again. He kneeled having his head resting on one of the trees he stopped at, sobbing his eyes out. He turned and pressed his back against the trunk and began to question himself, his worth, as his glossy red eyes rested on the starry night sky. He didn't understand how anyone couldn't stay mad at him for what he did. They lost their original home all because of his stupid obsession over wanting a perfect video. He almost got his friends killed. He almost had gotten smg3 killed. He could have died, he almost did. If he did he- he wouldn't bare it. He didn't know what on earth he would do if smg3 did die.. and all because of his actions. He hated this. He felt so weak, scared. Alone and sick.

He finally stopped and decided to really concentrate on breathing exercises. He closed his eyes and focused on breathing in and breathing out. Breathing in... breathing out. He continued this process for a good few minutes until he slowly drifted back to sleep.


Morning had finally arrived and Mario was the one who got up first before anyone else did. He did his usual routine, which was eating spaghetti (it was the only thing he'd eat three times a day), and head on out to annoy smg4 in the showgrounds. When he arrived by throwing himself through the doors of the castle, he happened to sense something off. He ignored it as he made his way towards smg4's room.

"S-M-G- FOUUURRRRR!!!" He yelled out as he slammed the door open with the biggest smile he always happens to have. As he finally took in what the room was like, he noticed that smg4 wasn't here. The bed was messy, and the sheets were halfway towards the floor.
"Smg4?" He walked around in the castle calling out for him and he got no answer.
"Hmm.. maybe he went to see smg3? " Mario made his way out of the castle and headed straight towards Smg3's cafe.

With smg3 , it wasn't busy today but he had a good amount of customers this morning . He was just in the middle of giving someone a latte when Mario barged in frightening him causing him to lose his grip of the steamy drink.
"Ugh! Mario! Don't barge in like that!"
"MY LATTE!" Steve shouted with anger.
Smg3 picked up the now empty cup, "I'm- I'm so sorry I'll get you a new one! But even better!" And he made his way dragging Mario to the back.
"Eggdog! Can you please clean up the spilled latte that's on the floor?"
"Arf arf!"
Eggdog had agreed to doing so and made his way towards where the upset Steve was sitting.

Smg3 forced Mario on the ground while making a new latte. "What the hell do you want Mario! You've upset one of my costumers!"
"Mario came to see if smg4 is here!"
"Well he isn't , he's where he's always at which is in his room making his lame videos ."
"I went to go see him and he wasn't in his room!"
Smg3 looked at Mario with confusion.
"He isn't there? Well maybe he just went to go see Meggy or something." Smg3 made his way with the newly fresh latte to give to Steve, only for mario to step in his way.
"Mario doesn't think Smg4 would be out with anyone! He loves doing videos in his room! "
"Mario I have a costumer to attend to! So if you excuse me-"
Just then Meggy had come by , which was probably a coincidence since they've just mentioned her. By her side, they've noticed that beeg was with her. She took notice of smg3 and Mario and said hello to both of them. "Hey guys! Have you seen smg4?"
"MY LATTE!" Steve interrupted, "Give me my latte!"

Smg3 annoyed, handed him his fresh latte and shifted his focus towards Meggy.
"What do you mean? Isn't he somewhere the castle? And beeg, what are you doing out here?"
"Ugh." Beeg responded.
He didn't understand him as much but he did notice how beeg carried a worried expression on his face.
"I was walking towards the castle when I saw beeg running around like crazy, and I took notice he's upset. I went to see if smg4 was home and he wasn't in his room nor anywhere else in the castle."
"Mario-a- senses something is going on around here.."

Smg3 couldn't help but feel worried as well. As much as he hates to admit, he's actually worried for where smg4 could be. He didn't want to admit that he feels something towards four, fearing for rejection from him and being teased by others or being looked down upon.
"Where could smg4 be? " smg3 spoke, worry showing through his tone of voice.
"Well maybe we should call everyone else and see if they've seen him?" Meggy suggested. Eggdog confronted beeg that everything would be alright as beeg was extremely worried for his owner's sudden disappearance.

"Well what are we waiting for?!" Smg3 moved towards the door and before exiting he faced eggdog.
"Eggdog! Please keep watch of the cafe for me I'll be right back!" Eggdog barked in understanding. Three, Meggy and Mario went out, smg3 convincing beeg to stay with eggdog to help and to not worry for his precious owner. When they were about to start moving out on the search for Smg4, something that was moving towards the castle from a distance caught their eye. It was non other than four.
"SMG4!" Meggy shouted. Smg3 felt so relieved to see him. The nerves he had and the intense tight knot that weighed in his stomach went away and he felt at ease. They failed to notice on how smg4 flinched at meggy's shouting, failed to notice how he looked like a mess with bloodshot eyes and tear stains marking his face.

It was only until they were face-to-face with him to see the state he was in, which got them worried once again for their dear friend. Three was the first to talk before Meggy and Mario could.
"Four! Where have you been?! Do you know how worried I was?!" Four couldn't face them, but with what three said.
'Three was worried for him..? Really..?' He thought.
"Three is very in love with four~" Mario blurred out causing Meggy to smack him in the head.
"Smg4.. are you okay?.."

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