Ch. 8 - First time

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Author notes: just a heads up , this chapter is slightly longer, and three and four have a rather spicy moment in the middle of this chapter, in case you don't like . Sorry if the writing is messy or smth, I was procrastinating and stuff T-T anyways onto the chapter!


The restaurant was nicely decorated, the floor being completely covered with carpets of the color red. Small round tables covered with white table cloths, hiding the table entirely.

The place wasn't as packed as there happened to be many tables opened to use, just a few couples here and there but that was about it. Four never felt so relieved, seeing how there was a huge possibility for him and three to be left alone in peace, and it wouldn't feel so crowded.

"Oh hey smg4! Hey smg3!" At the front of the entrance where the two gays happened to be standing observing the place, shroomy was dressed in a nice fancy suit standing behind a hostess stand with a clipboard in his hand.

"Oh hey shroomy," Both smg3 and 4 replied in unison.
"You work here I assume?" Three asked.
"Yep indeed I do! Welcome! Are you guys here to eat?"
"Yeah we are, it's just us two." Three's response shocked Shroomy as he stared at the two meme guardians in front of him.

"Are you guys.. on a date?.." He whispered.
"Uh yeah, we are." Three softly grinned as he rubbed the back of his head with his hand and holding onto four's hand with his other. Four blushed with the action as he looked at down at the floor.

"OH MY GOSH?! YOU GUYS ARE NOW DATING? THATS GREAT! Wow you guys look cute together!" Shroomy began to cheer, the seated couples had turned their attention to one another was pulled from shroomy's excitement.

Four was the one to notice the attention they had gotten and tried to hide himself against three, three was too busy to notice that or four's discomfort as he began shushing down shroomy, annoyed with the hitch pitch noises he was making.

"Alright enough!" Three loudly whispered. "Can we please just get a table?!"
"Oh- uh sorry about that! Yes, follow me!" Shroomy walked away up towards one of the empty tables in the center of the restaurant; Smg3 and 4 following behind as four tried not to make eye contact with anyone, feeling their eyes glued on him and his lover.

"Here we are! I'll be right back with the menus!" Shroomy said happily as he dashed away back to where he was earlier. Four nervously looked at the chair in front of him, extending his hand out towards it only to be stopped by three resting his hand on his.

"Let me get that for you.." three said in a soft gentle tone. Three pulled the chair back as four, with soft blush on his face, sat down, three gently pushing the chair in, securing four in place. He made his way over the chair sitting in front of the other side of the table and sat down. The tables weren't so wide so it was easy for him to extend his hand forward and grab onto four's hand with a genuine smile on his face.

"T-thank you three," Four responded nervously, returning the genuine smile as he gripped onto three's hand as well.
"Now, about earlier," Three started. "Can you please tell me what that was all about?"

Four's eyes widen at what three was referring to, nervously beginning to fiddle around with his hands as he pulled away from three.
"O-oh, that. W-well uhh.." He looked around, trying to think of any excuse he could come with but was snapped out of it as he made eye-contact with a few people.

He could have swore they were giving him dirty glares, not all as some were just curious and wanted to look at the gay couple who had entered the restaurant. He quickly looked down at his hands on his lap, feeling uncomfortable with the atmosphere he was in.

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